Book Author Book Title Year(s) Listed Classification Researcher
"Elizabeth" The Enchanted April 1923 Fiction Nancy McElwain
Adams, Richard Watership Down 1974 Fiction Jennifer Morgan
Anonymous Primary Colors 1996 Fiction Sarah Bouchard
Asch, Sholem The Nazarene 1940, 1939 Fiction Will Kynes
Ashe, Penelope Naked Came the Stranger 1969 Fiction Alina Cymes
Auel, Jean M. The Valley of Horses 1982 Fiction Aimee Boone
Auel, Jean M. The Mammoth Hunters 1985 Fiction Michele Petersen
Auel, Jean M. The Plains of Passage 1990 Fiction Juliana Bush
Bach, Richard Jonathan Livingston Seagull 1973, 1972 Fiction Jennifer Sloggie
Bach, Richard One: A Novel 1988 Fiction Lisa Hantjis
Bach, Richard Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah 1977, 1978 Fiction Laura Martin
Bantock, Nick The Golden Mean 1993 Fiction Karin Suni
Barclay, Florence The Rosary 1911, 1910 Fiction Bethany Sulc
Beach, Rex The Spoilers 1906 Fiction Katherine Margolis
Bellow, Saul Humboldt's Gift 1975 Fiction Ryan Nelson
Bellow, Saul Herzog 1965, 1964 Fiction Simina Calin
Benchley, Peter The Deep 1976 Fiction Brian Sutton
Benchley, Peter Jaws 1974 Fiction Scott Lewis
Berendt, John Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil 1997, 1994 Non-Fiction Summer Frederick
Binchy, Maeve Tara Road 1999 Fiction Erin Smith
Blatty, William P. The Exorcist 1971 Fiction Robin Smith
Bradford, Barbara Taylor Act of Will 1986 Fiction Denise DeBrock
Breslin, Jimmy The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight 1970 Fiction Daniel Reiter
Bromfield, Louis The Rains Came 1938, 1937 Fiction Vandna Gill
Bromfield, Louis Night in Bombay 1940 Fiction Saima Malik
Brooks, Terry Star Wars: Episode I, The Phantom Menace 1999 Fiction Jim Sledge
Brush, Katharine Young Man of Manhattan 1930 Fiction Scott Filkins
Buck, Pearl S. Dragon Seed 1942 Fiction Rebekah Sparks
Buck, Pearl S. The Good Earth 1932, 1931 Fiction Gwen Rogers
Burnett, Frances Hodgson The Head of the House of Coombe 1922 Fiction Hanni Goodman
Caldwell, Taylor Dear and Glorious Physician 1959 Fiction Carolyn Barfield
Cather, Willa Shadows on the Rock 1931 Fiction Jennifer Clem
Chase, Mary Ellen Windswept 1942, 1941 Fiction Sarah Creedon
Christie, Agatha Sleeping Murder 1976 Fiction Sarah Jackson
Christie, Agatha Curtain 1975 Fiction Jonathan Morgan
Churchill, Winston Richard Carvel 1900 Fiction rmg6f
Churchill, Winston The Crisis 1901 Fiction David Sukites
Clancy, Tom Without Remorse 1993 Fiction Peyton Gresham
Clancy, Tom Red Storm Rising 1986 Fiction Chris Dixon
Clancy, Tom Patriot Games 1987 Fiction John Sherman
Clancy, Tom Debt of Honor 1994 Fiction Andy Mullins
Clancy, Tom Clear and Present Danger 1989 Fiction Meredith Bosler
Clancy, Tom The Sum of All Fears 1991 Fiction Lara Profitt
Clancy, Tom The Hunt for Red October 1985 Fiction Michael Tierney
Clark, Mary Higgins Loves Music, Loves to Dance 1991 Fiction Ellen Birek
Clark, Mary Higgins While My Pretty One Sleeps 1989 Fiction Dorothy Eubanks
Clark, Mary Higgins The Lottery Winner 1994 Fiction Anne Greenfield
Clark, Mary Higgins All Around the Town 1992 Fiction Katherine Sykes
Clavell, James Shogun 1975 Fiction Hye Won Choi
Clavell, James Tai-Pan 1966 Fiction Saad Hossain
Collins, Jackie Hollywood Husbands 1986 Fiction Kathryn Duvall
Collins, Jackie Lucky 1985 Fiction Kiddest Metaferia
Collins, Jackie Lady Boss 1990 Fiction Leah Smith
Collins, Jackie Hollywood Wives 1983 Fiction Debbie Beisswanger
Conrad, Joseph The Arrow of Gold 1919 Fiction Katie Marages
Conroy, Pat Beach Music 1995 Fiction Sarah Payne
Conroy, Pat The Prince of Tides 1986 Fiction Lisa French
Cook, Robin Fatal Cure 1994 Fiction Ranjit Goudar
Cornwell, Patricia Cause of Death 1996 Fiction Virginia Danieley
Cornwell, Patricial The Body Farm 1994 Fiction Martha Duffey
Costain, Thomas B. The Black Rose 1946, 1945 Fiction Brian Tetreault
Craven, Margaret I Heard the Owl Call My Name 1974 Fiction Tim Van Dyck
Crichton, Michael The Great Train Robbery 1975 Fiction Corey Simpson
Crichton, Michael Timeline 1999 Fiction Christina Arenas
Crichton, Michael The Lost World 1995 Fiction Dena Twain
Crichton, Michael Disclosure 1994 Fiction Elizabeth Bass
Crichton, Michael The Andromeda Strain 1969 Fiction Brian Van Reet
Crichton, Robert The Secret of Santa Vittoria 1966 Fiction Jessica Silcox
Cronin, A. J. The Citadel 1938, 1937 Fiction Perry Trolard
Cussler, Clive Inca Gold 1994 Fiction Neil Ligon
de Beauvoir, Simone The Mandarins 1956 Fiction Brittany Joyce
Dennis, Patrick Auntie Mame 1955, 1956 Fiction Sarah Wilkinson
di Lampedusa, Giuseppe The Leopard 1960 Fiction Pablo Urioste Talamas
Doctorow, E. L. Ragtime 1975 Fiction Douglas Strassler
Douglas, Lloyd C. Magnificent Obsession 1933, 1932 Fiction Katherine Goktepe
Douglas, Lloyd C. The Robe 1953, 1945, 1944, 1943, 1942 Fiction Melissa Meyers
Doyle, A. Conan The Hound of the Baskervilles 1902 Fiction Devan Polley
Dr. Seuss The Butter Battle Book 1984 Fiction Elizabeth Keegan
du Maurier, Daphne Rebecca 1938, 1939 Fiction Katherine Huber
du Maurier, Daphne The Glass-Blowers 1963 Fiction Kristin Gelder
du Maurier, Daphne The Scapegoat 1957 Fiction Rachel Shaw
Eco, Umberto The Name of the Rose 1983 Fiction Heshima Toatley
Esquivel, Laura Like Water for Chocolate 1993 Fiction Heather Johnson
Evans, Nicholas The Horse Whisperer 1995 Fiction Rebecca Jesada
Evans, Richard Paul The Christmas Box 1995 Fiction Esther Haley
Faulkner, William The Reivers 1962 Fiction Vincent Baxter
Ferber, Edna Giant 1952 Fiction David Ward
Ferber, Edna Saratoga Trunk 1941 Fiction Amanda Kennedy
Ferber, Edna Show Boat 1926 Fiction Elizabeth Thompson
Ferber, Edna So Big 1924 Fiction Luke DuPont
Fitch, Janet White Oleander 1999 Fiction Elisabeth King
Fleming, Ian You Only Live Twice 1964 Fiction Joseph Maloney
Fleming, Ian The Man with the Golden Gun 1965 Fiction Jill Johnson
Follett, Ken Eye of the Needle 1978 Fiction Geoffrey Maurer
Follett, Ken The Pillars of the Earth 1989 Fiction Maggie Hommel
Forsyth, Frederick The Day of the Jackal 1972, 1971 Fiction Emily Hulme
Forsyth, Frederick The Fourth Protocol 1984 Fiction Christopher Saunders
Forsyth, Frederick The Odessa File 1973, 1972 Fiction J.C. Sletten
Fowles, John The French Lieutenant's Woman 1970 Fiction Amanda Johnson
Fox, John Jr. The Trail of the Lonesome Pine 1909, 1908 Fiction Michael Bernier
Frazier, Charles Cold Mountain 1997 Fiction Azam Ahmed
Gallico, Paul Mrs. 'Arris Goes to Paris 1959 Fiction Dana D'Aniello
Garner, James Finn Politically Correct Bedtime Stories 1995, 1994 Fiction Rachel Nocon
Glasgow, Ellen Vein of Iron 1935 Fiction Laura Tripp
Goudge, Elizabeth Green Dolphin Street 1944 Fiction Lisa Pagano
Grafton, Sue K is for Killer 1994 Fiction Su-Hou Chen
Grant, Robert Unleavened Bread 1900 Fiction John Unsworth
Greene, Graham Travels with My Aunt 1970 Fiction Cynthia Calgaro
Greene, Graham The Human Factor 1978 Fiction Shawn Gilmore
Greene, Graham The Honorary Consul 1973 Fiction Leah Snyder
Grey, Zane The Call of the Canyon 1924 Fiction Ellen Garrett
Grey, Zane The U. P. Trail 1918 Fiction Anne Penarczyk
Grey, Zane The Man of the Forest 1920 Fiction Nikole Krause
Grey, Zane Wildfire 1917 Fiction Stacie Larson
Grisham, John The Client 1993 Fiction Jeff Braintwain
Grisham, John The Pelican Brief 1992 Fiction Lonette Merriman
Grisham, John The Chamber 1994 Fiction Katie Sachs
Grisham, John The Partner 1997 Fiction Jessica French
Grisham, John The Street Lawyer 1998 Fiction Sarah Rockburn
Grisham, John The Firm 1991 Fiction Meegan Yates
Grisham, John The Testament 1999 Fiction Brandon Santos
Grisham, John The Runaway Jury 1996 Fiction Krista Peters
Hailey, Arthur Airport 1968 Fiction Farrell Scifres
Harris, Thomas Hannibal 1999 Fiction Tiffany James
Heller, Joseph Something Happened 1974 Fiction Timothy Schott
Hemingway, Ernest A Moveable Feast 1964 Non-Fiction Jack McLoughlin
Hemingway, Ernest Across the River and into the Trees 1950 Fiction Christopher Hancock
Hemingway, Ernest Islands in the Stream 1970 Fiction Jessica Myer
Hemingway, Ernest The Old Man and the Sea 1952 Fiction Brendan Tansill
Hemingway, Ernest For Whom the Bell Tolls 1941, 1940 Fiction James Beglis
Hemon, Louis Maria Chapdelaine 1922 Fiction Courtney Salthouse
Hersey, John A Bell for Adano 1944 Fiction Patrick Green
Heyward, DuBose Mamba's Daughters 1929 Fiction Elena Unschuld
Higgins, Jack The Eagle Has Landed 1975 Fiction Michael Mitchell
Hill, Ruth Beebe Hanta Yo 1979 Fiction Gianna DeFlice
Hilton, James Good-Bye, Mr. Chips 1935, 1934 Fiction Katherine Sanders
Hilton, James Lost Horizon 1935 Fiction Kathleen Settle
Hobson, Laura Z. Gentleman's Agreement 1947 Fiction Rachel Sampson
Holmes, Marjorie Two from Galilee 1972 Fiction Sharon Snow
Huxley, Aldous Eyeless in Gaza 1936 Fiction John Nottingham
Ibanez, V. Blasco The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 1919 Fiction Kristen Buergert
Irving, John The World According to Garp 1978 Fiction Adam Doskey
Irving, John Cider House Rules 1985 Fiction Camilla Wells
Irving, John The Hotel New Hampshire 1981 Fiction John Williams
Jakes, John North and South 1982 Fiction Sonia Karim
Jakes, John Love and War 1984 Fiction Jeffrey Landis
Jenkins, Dan Semi-Tough 1972 Fiction Jason Baillargeon
Johnston, Mary To Have and To Hold 1900 Fiction Ilanna Padden
Jones, James From Here to Eternity 1953, 1951 Fiction Deidre Downs
Jong, Erica How To Save Your Own Life 1977 Fiction Heidi Schroeder
Kantor, MacKinlay Andersonville 1956, 1955 Fiction William Piper
Kaufman, Bel Up the Down Staircase 1965 Fiction Louisa Buchanan
Kazan, Elia The Arrangement 1967 Fiction Candice Cloos
Keillor, Garrison Leaving Home: A Collection of Lake Wobegon Stories 1987 Fiction Catherine Tankovich
Keillor, Garrison Lake Wobegon Days 1985 Fiction Allison Barrett
Kennedy, Margaret The Constant Nymph 1925 Fiction Katisha Kersey
King, Stephen Dolores Claiborne 1992 Fiction Nayna Agrawal
King, Stephen Misery 1987 Fiction Jonathan Whitehead
King, Stephen Cujo 1981 Fiction Jessica Gillespie
King, Stephen The Stand 1990 Fiction Kelly Smith
King, Stephen It 1986 Fiction Lauren Shepherd
King, Stephen Different Seasons 1982 Fiction David Perkinson
King, Stephen Needful Things 1991 Fiction Richard Armitstead
King, Stephen The Dark Half 1989 Fiction Bryan Killian
King, Stephen The Eyes of the Dragon 1987 Fiction Benjamin Guider
King, Stephen Nightmares and Dreamscapes 1993 Fiction Robert Liuzzi
King, Stephen Four Past Midnight 1990 Fiction Sami Shah
King, Stephen The Dead Zone 1979 Fiction Ashley Weldon
King, Stephen The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon 1999 Fiction Caetlin McFadden
King, Stephen Gerald's Game 1992 Fiction Madeleine Simpson
King, Stephen and Peter Straub The Talisman 1984 Fiction Tracy Nectoux
Koontz, Dean Dark Rivers of the Heart 1994 Fiction Casey Burke
Krantz, Judith Princess Daisy 1980 Fiction Catherine Collins
Krantz, Judith Scruples 1978 Fiction Leigh Waldron
Krantz, Judith Mistral's Daughter 1982 Fiction Julia Lockhart
L'Amour, Louis Last of the Breed 1986 Fiction Andrew Basham
L'Amour, Louis Jubal Sackett 1985 Fiction Thames Thuston
L'Amour, Louis The Lonesome Gods 1983 Fiction Erica Knight
Lamb, Wally I Know This Much Is True 1998 Fiction Eve Cockrill
Le Carre, John Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy 1974 Fiction Jason Hoffman
Le Carre, John The Spy Who Came in from the Cold 1964 Fiction Edward Martin
Le Carre, John The Russia House 1989 Fiction Nate Hagerty
Le Carre, John The Looking Glass War 1965 Fiction Skiles Hornig
Lee, Harper To Kill a Mockingbird 1961 Fiction J.C. Luckey
Levin, Ira Rosemary's Baby 1967 Fiction Susan Gantz
Lewis, Sinclair Babbitt 1923, 1922 Fiction Hae-Jin Choi
Lewis, Sinclair Kingsblood Royal 1947 Fiction Carrie Han
Lewis, Sinclair It Can't Happen Here 1936 Fiction Jess Miller
Lewis, Sinclair Main Street 1921 Fiction Brooke Brower
Llewellyn, Richard How Green Was My Valley 1940 Fiction Alison Twiss
Locke, William J. The Fortunate Youth 1914 Fiction Tim Herby
Loos, Anita Gentlemen Prefer Blondes 1926 Fiction Carolyn Chen
Ludlum, Robert The Bourne Identity 1980 Fiction Adam Ginsberg
Ludlum, Robert The Aquitaine Progression 1984 Fiction Sarah Farmer
Mailer, Norman The Naked and the Dead 1948 Fiction Robert Schoenvogel
Marks, Percy The Plastic Age 1924 Fiction Laura Sekela
Marshall, Catherine Christy 1968, 1967 Fiction Elizabeth Sekinger
Maugham, W. Somerset The Razor's Edge 1944 Fiction Brian Scrivani
McCourt, Frank 'Tis 1999 Non-Fiction Casey Reck
McCourt, Frank Angela's Ashes 1998, 1997 Non-Fiction Margaret Stafford
McCullough, Colleen The Thorn Birds 1977 Fiction Karen Walker
McCutcheon, George Barr Beverly of Graustark 1904 Fiction Elizabeth Avins
McCutcheon, George Barr Graustark 1901 Fiction Melissa Brall
McCutcheon, George Barr Truxton King 1909 Fiction Robert Kehoe
McCutcheon, George Barr The Daughter of Anderson Crow 1907 Fiction Misun Chang
McMillan, Terry How Stella Got Her Groove Back 1996 Fiction Laine Welch
McMillan, Terry Waiting to Exhale 1992 Fiction Preethy George
Metalious, Grace Peyton Place 1956, 1957 Fiction Dara Jones
Michener, James A. Alaska 1988 Fiction Aaron Butt
Michener, James A. Hawaii 1959, 1960 Fiction Doris Lum
Michener, James A. The Drifters 1971 Fiction Lindsay Clinton
Michener, James A. Return to Paradise 1951 Fiction Deanna Zwarich
Michener, James A. Mexico 1992 Fiction Julie Miller
Michener, James A. Chesapeake 1978 Fiction Elizabeth Seyfert
Michener, James A. Centennial 1974 Fiction Jane Optie
Miller, Caroline Lamb in His Bosom 1934 Fiction Mary Unger
Miller, Henry Tropic of Cancer 1961 Fiction Jeanette Janiczek
Mitchard, Jacquelyn The Deep End of the Ocean 1996 Fiction Jamie Mercer
Mitchell, Margaret Gone with the Wind 1937, 1936 Fiction Katie Dodd
Morgan, Marlo Mutant Message Down Under 1994 Fiction Annette Martin
Morley, Christopher Kitty Foyle 1939, 1940 Fiction Kaitlyn Bryan
Morrison, Toni Paradise 1998 Fiction Robin LeRosen
Nabokov, Vladimir Lolita 1959, 1958 Fiction Tara Ellicott
Nicholson, Meredith The House of a Thousand Candles 1906 Fiction Melissa Meeks
Nin, Anais Delta of Venus: Erotica 1977 Fiction Christina Romano
O'Connor, Edwin The Edge of Sadness 1961 Fiction Ryan Mattie
Parrish, Anne The Perennial Bachelor 1925 Fiction Douglas Svor
Pasternak, Boris Doctor Zhivago 1959, 1958 Fiction Beth Ann Reimel
Peterkin, Julia Scarlet Sister Mary 1929 Fiction Kristin Schar
Pilcher, Rosamunde September 1990 Fiction Katie Dalton
Porter, Eleanor H. Pollyanna 1914, 1913 Fiction Kate Cooke
Porter, Eleanor H. Pollyanna Grows Up 1915 Fiction My-Van Nguyen
Porter, Eleanor H. Mary-Marie 1920 Fiction Mary Rekas
Porter, Gene Stratton A Daughter of the Land 1918 Fiction Karen Fuller
Porter, Katherine Anne Ship of Fools 1962 Fiction Natalya Vargo
Potok, Chaim The Chosen 1967 Fiction Matthew Pinto
Potok, Chaim The Promise 1969 Fiction Shelley Fields
Potok, Chaim My Name Is Asher Lev 1972 Fiction Rebecca Graham
Puzo, Mario The Godfather 1969 Fiction Jennifer Crist
Puzo, Mario The Sicilian 1984 Fiction Doug Mann
Puzo, Mario Fools Die 1978 Fiction Richard Greifner
Rand, Ayn Atlas Shrugged 1957 Fiction Kristin Sherwood
Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan The Yearling 1939, 1938 Fiction Monica Nista
Redfield, James The Celestine Prophecy 1996, 1995, 1994 Fiction Megan Hippen
Remarque, Erich Maria All Quiet on the Western Front 1929 Fiction Amanda McDonald
Rice, Anne Tale of the Body Thief 1992 Fiction Deirdre Lewis
Rice, Anne The Witching Hour 1990 Fiction Danielle Boykin
Rice, Anne Taltos 1994 Fiction Sean Frederick
Rice, Anne Lasher 1993 Fiction Ashley Stanley
Rice, Anne The Queen of the Damned 1988 Fiction Sarah Hastings
Rice, Anne Violin 1997 Fiction Marian Siljeholm
Rinehart, Mary Roberts K 1915 Fiction Patricia O'Callaghan
Ripley, Alexandra Scarlett: The Sequel to Margaret Mitchell's "Gone with the Wind," 1991 Fiction Megan Smiley
Robbins, Harold Memories of Another Day 1979 Fiction Brooke Groseclose
Robbins, Harold J. The Pirate 1974 Fiction Jameatris Johnson
Rossner, Judith Looking for Mister Goodbar 1975 Fiction Gwendolyn Kern
Roth, Philip Portnoy's Complaint 1969 Fiction Joe Peeples
Rowling, JK Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 1997 Fiction Jordan Brown
Rushdie, Salman The Satanic Verses 1989 Fiction Bryan Maxwell
Sagan, Carl Contact 1985 Fiction Jennifer Spence
Sagan, Francoise Bonjour Tristesse 1955 Fiction Olivia Stanfield
Salinger, J. D. Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters, and Seymour--An Introduction 1963 Fiction Alyssa Landers
Salinger, J. D. Franny and Zooey 1962, 1961 Fiction Laura Williams
Sanders, Lawrence The Third Deadly Sin 1981 Fiction Candice Dawes
Schulberg, Budd The Disenchanted 1950 Fiction Anonymous, by request
Segal, Erich Love Story 1970 Fiction Amanda Shaver
Segal, Erich Oliver's Story 1977 Fiction Julia Richardson
Shaw, Irwin Rich Man, Poor Man 1970 Fiction Angela Yeboah
Sheldon, Sidney Nothing Lasts Forever 1994 Fiction Carol Zurawski
Sheldon, Sidney A Stranger in the Mirror 1976 Fiction Michael Beachy
Sheldon, Sidney The Doomsday Conspiracy 1991 Fiction Katherine Thomsen
Sheldon, Sidney Master of the Game 1982 Fiction Stacy McCown
Sheldon, Sidney Rage of Angels 1980 Fiction Kate Caples
Sheldon, Sidney Memories of Midnight 1990 Fiction Lauren Venturatos
Shute, Nevil On the Beach 1957 Fiction Shauna Berman
Smith, Betty Tomorrow Will Be Better 1948 Fiction Megan McArdle
Smith, Betty A Tree Grows in Brooklyn 1944, 1943 Fiction Katharine Weidman
Smith, Lillian Strange Fruit 1944 Fiction Erin Nagle
Smith, Martin Cruz Gorky Park 1981 Fiction Jessica Collins
Southern, Terry and Mason Hoffenberg Candy 1964 Fiction Anthony Martin
Sparks, Nicholas A Walk to Remember 1999 Fiction Catherine Hauptfuhrer
Steel, Danielle Fine Things 1987 Fiction Robyn Galbavy
Steel, Danielle Wings 1994 Fiction Erika Karnaszewski
Steel, Danielle Star 1989 Fiction Janet Gilmore
Steel, Danielle Mirror Image 1998 Fiction Lauren Woodrell
Steel, Danielle Heartbeat 1991 Fiction Natalya Niewdach
Steel, Danielle Message from Nam 1990 Fiction Candice Pratsch
Steel, Danielle The Gift 1994 Fiction Stacy Dudley
Steel, Danielle Mixed Blessings 1992 Fiction Selena Stellute
Steinbeck, John The Grapes of Wrath 1940, 1939 Fiction Brian Cordyack
Steinbeck, John East of Eden 1952 Fiction Ryan Sinclair
Steinbeck, John Of Mice and Men 1937 Fiction Megan Chaudet
Steinbeck, John Sweet Thursday 1954 Fiction Meghan Mahan
Steinbeck, John The Wayward Bus 1947 Fiction Lori Bates
Steinbeck, John The Moon Is Down 1942 Fiction Emily Davis
Steinbeck, John The Winter of Our Discontent 1961 Fiction Ariel Madway
Stewart, Jimmy Jimmy Stewart and His Poems 1989 Fiction Daniel Goff
Stewart, Mary The Last Enchantment 1979 Fiction Tim Bragan
Stewart, Mary This Rough Magic 1964 Fiction Angie Stille
Stone, Irving Those Who Love 1965 Fiction Esther Adams
Stone, Irving The Agony and the Ecstasy 1962, 1961 Fiction Lauren Collogan
Streeter, Edward Father of the Bride 1949 Fiction Claudia Hickey
Styron, William The Confessions of Nat Turner 1967 Fiction Laura Lindsay
Styron, William Sophie's Choice 1979 Fiction Jessica Busch
Susann, Jacqueline Valley of the Dolls 1966 Fiction Chris DelGrosso
Tan, Amy The Kitchen God's Wife 1991 Fiction Leslie Seals
Tarkington, Booth Seventeen 1916 Fiction Lauren Holcomb
Tarkington, Booth Gentle Julia 1922 Fiction Meghan Fleming
Tarkington, Booth The Turmoil 1915 Fiction Lisa Payne
Thompson, Kay Eloise 1956 Fiction Jocelyn Payne
Tolkien, J.R.R.; Christopher Tolkien The Silmarillion 1977 Fiction Cory Jordan
Traver, Robert Anatomy of a Murder 1958 Fiction Stephanie Lunsford
Tryon, Thomas The Other 1971 Fiction Elliott Brooks
Turow, Scott The Burden of Proof 1990 Fiction Amanda Dorrier
Turow, Scott Pleading Guilty 1993 Fiction Brandis Russell
Turow, Scott Presumed Innocent 1987 Fiction Stephanie Osborn
Updike, John Couples 1968 Fiction Dan Kennedy
Updike, John Rabbit Redux 1971 Fiction Brandon Wilkerson
Uris, Leon Mila 18 1961 Fiction Kate Hudson
Uris, Leon Exodus 1959 Fiction Emily Shulman
Uris, Leon QB VII 1970 Fiction Meghan Blaszak
Uris, Leon Trinity 1976 Fiction Marilyn Holguin
Van Dine, S. S. The Bishop Murder Case 1929 Fiction Catherine Andrews
van Dyke, Henry The Blue Flower 1902 Fiction Mary McMahon
Vance, Louis J. The Brass Bowl 1907 Fiction Donna Jacumin
Vidal, Gore Myra Breckinridge 1968 Fiction Kathryn Jergovich
Vinge, Joan D., adapt. Return of the Jedi Storybook 1983 Fiction Michelle Dorer
Vonnegut, Kurt Breakfast of Champions 1973 Fiction Jbeau Lewis
Vonnegut, Kurt Jailbird 1979 Fiction John Williston
Vonnegut, Kurt Slapstick: or, Lonesome No More! 1976 Fiction Payton Sands
Waller, James Robert The Bridges of Madison County 1994, 1993 Fiction Carey Karpick
Waller, James Robert Slow Waltz at Cedar Bend 1993 Fiction Martha Wilson
Waltari, Mika The Egyptian 1954, 1949 Fiction Anna Roberts
Wells, H. G. Mr. Britling Sees It Through 1917, 1916 Fiction Ryan Welch
Wharton, Edith Twilight Sleep 1927 Fiction Meredith Kinsey
Wharton, Edith The House of Mirth 1906, 1905 Fiction Joanna Kozakou
Wharton, Edith The Age of Innocence 1921 Fiction Amanda Muir
White, Stewart Edward The Silent Places 1904 Fiction Charles Jordan
Wiggin, Kate Douglas Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm 1904 Fiction Keisha Godfrey
Wilder, Thornton The Woman of Andros 1930 Fiction Katrina Vickerman
Wilder, Thornton The Bridge of San Luis Rey 1928 Fiction Ruth Collins
Wilder, Thornton The Eighth Day 1967 Fiction Matthew West
Wilder, Thornton Heaven's My Destination 1935 Fiction Jessie Haury
Williams, Kit Masquerade 1981 Fiction Marisa Colaneri
Wilson, Sloan The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit 1955 Fiction John McArdle
Winsor, Kathleen Forever Amber 1945, 1944 Fiction Jennifer Kim
Wister, Owen Lady Baltimore 1906 Fiction Allison Botos
Wolfe, Thomas Of Time and the River 1935 Fiction Stuart Ginn
Wolfe, Tom The Bonfire of the Vanities 1988, 1987 Fiction Danielle Stubbe
Woolf, Virginia The Years 1937 Fiction Jared Jones
Wouk, Herman Inside, Outside 1985 Fiction Gabi Goodove
Wouk, Herman Youngblood Hawke 1962 Fiction Thomas Yeatts
Wouk, Herman The Caine Mutiny 1952, 1951 Fiction Westray Battle
Wouk, Herman The Winds of War 1972, 1971 Fiction Kate Golden
Wright, Harold Bell The Winning of Barbara Worth 1912, 1911 Fiction Nicole Yankush
Wright, Harold Bell The Re-Creation of Brian Kent 1920, 1919 Fiction Jennifer Celesia
Zahn, Timothy Star Wars: Heir to the Empire 1991 Fiction Brandy May
Zahn, Timothy Star Wars: Dark Force Rising 1992 Fiction Jeremy Williams
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