Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov was born on April 23, 1899 in St. Petersburg, Russia.
The rich and aristocratic Nabokovs were a family with a long tradition of high culture and
public service. Nabakov's grandfather was Minister of Justice under two tsars and
implemented the court reforms while his father was a distinguished jurist, a foe of
anti-Semitism, a journalist and scholar, a leader of the Kadets, and a member of the Duma.
In 1916, at the age of 17, Nabokov privately published his first book of poetry called "Stikhi" in St. Petersburg. In 1919 Nabokov's father took his family into exile. In Berlin
Nabokov's father became editor of the Russian newspaper Rul' where many of Vladimir
Nabokov's first prose works and translations appear. In 1922 Nabokov's father was fatally
shot during an assassination attempt on the politician Miliukov by right-wing monarchists.
Nabokov attended Trinity College in Cambridge, England and in 1922 received an honors
degree in Slavic and Romance Languages. In 1925 he married Vera Slonim in Berlin. For
the next eighteen years he lived in Germany and France, and wrote in Russian. In 1940 Nabokov moved with his wife Vera and son Dmitri to the United States where Nabokov began to write
in English. He lectured on Russian literature at Wellesley and Cornell and in 1958 the
best-seller status of Lolita enabled him to resign from this position and devote himself to
his writing. He moved to Switzerland to be closer to his son Dmitri. Dmitri is a skilled translator who successfully translated all of Nabokov's Russian stories into English. On July 2, 1977 Nabokov died in Lausanne, Switzerland. He is buried in Clarens,
beneath a tombstone that reads "Vladimir Nabokov, ecrivain". His publications in Russian
include "Romain Roland", "Colas Breugnon", "Grozd'", "Gornii put'", "Skital'sy", "Rul'
of Dedushka", "Rul' of Agasfer", "Tragediia Gospodina Morna", "Rul of Polyus",
"Draka", "Britva", "Masken'ka", "Chelovek iz SSSR", "Korol', dama, valet", "Zashchita
Luzhina", :"Vozvrashchenie Chorba", "Sogliadatai", "Podvig", "Kamera obskura", "Dar",
"Otchaianie", "Priglashenie", "Podarok", "Sobytia", "Izobretenie Wal'sa", "Priglashenie
na kazn'", and "Volshebnik". In English his publications include "The Real Life of
Sebastian Knight", "Solus Rex", "Nikolai", "Three Russian Poets", "Bend Sinister", "Nine
Stories", "Conclusive Evidence", "Vesna v Fial'te", "Pnin", "Nabokov's Dozen",
"Poems", "The Song of Igor's Campaign", "Pale Fire", "Speak, Memory", "Ada", "Poems
and Problems", "Transparent Things", "A Russian Beauty and Other Stories", "Lolita: A
Screenplay", "Look at the Harlequins", "Tyrants Destroyed and Other Stories", and
"Details of a Sunset and Other Stories".