Clancy, Tom: The Sum of All Fears
(researched by Lara Profitt)

Assignment 1: Bibliographical Description

1 First edition publication information (publisher, place, date, etc.)

Clancy, Tom: The Sum of All Fears. New York: G. P. Putnamís Sons, 1991. Copyright: 1991 Jack Ryan Enterprises, Ltd. First edition published simultaneously in Canada.

2 First edition published in cloth, paper, or both? If both, simultaneous or staggered?

First edition published in cloth. Source: The Sum of All Fears

3 JPEG image of cover art from first edition, if available

4 Pagination

402 leaves pp. [1-13] 14-22 [23] 24-41 [42] 43-56 [57] 58-69 [70] 71-91 [92] 93-114 [115] 116-140 [141] 142-165 [166] 167-202 [203] 204-225 [226] 227-244 [245] 246-259 [260] 261-273 [274] 275-292 [293] 294-309 [310] 311-324 [325] 326-341 [342] 343-360 [361] 362-377 [378] 379-386 [387] 388-401 [402] 403-415 [416] 417-425 [426] 427-437 [438] 439-450 [451] 452-468 [469] 470-481 [482] 483-493 [494] 495-506 [507] 508-522 [523] 524-540 [541] 542-556 [557] 558-572 [573] 574-586 [587] 588-614 [615] 616-619 [620] 621-635 [636] 637-656 [657] 658-679 [680] 681-701 [702] 703-725 [726] 727-751 [752] 753-774 [775] 776-786 [787] 788-796 [6]

5 Edited or Introduced? If so, by whom?

No editor. Acknowledgements: Book is dedicated to ì Mike and Peggy Rodgers, a sailor and his lady-and all the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces, because the noblest of ideas have always been protected by warriorsî. Acknowledgments, a dedication, and two quotes (Winston Churchill and Herman Kahn) serve as a type of introduction on the fifth, sixth, and seventh leaves of the book.

6 Illustrated? If so, by whom?

No illustrations

7 JPEG image of sample illustration, if available

8 General physical appearance of book (Is the physical presentation of the text attractive? Is the typography readable? Is the book well printed?)

The text is well printed on quality paper-no smudged ink. Text is serif, small (86R), but easily read. The page is 9" x 9.5", and the text size is 7.25 x 4.5. Chapters are titled and numbered. Binding- Cloth binding, spine and approximately 1 inch front and back covers bound in black cloth. Front and back cover are gray colored, withìThomas L. Clancyî embossed on front. Spine has (embossed in silver): The Sum Of All Fears Tom Clancy Embossed on bottom: Putnam Dust jacket: metallic gray with Tom Clancy at the top of the cover in bold red lettering, and The Sum Of All Fears below it in bold teal blue metallic lettering. A picture of a military jet is located between the authorís name and the title. Inside front of dust jacket contains title and summary; inside back contains continued summary, other titles by Clancy, jacket and photo information. Back of dust jacket contains a black and white photo of Clancy.

9 JPEG image of sample chapter page, if available

10 Paper (Assess the original quality of the paper used for the book. Is the paper in the copy or copies you examined holding up physically over time?)

Paper: high quality thin paper-cream colored with no discoloration, stains, or tears. 1st and 402nd leaf consist of slightly heavier, darker paper

11 Description of binding(s)

Binding is trade cloth. Binding: Front and back covers bound in gray cloth. Front cover has authors name embossed in silver. Spine:black cloth. Spine has the title and the authorís name at the top, and the publisherís name at the bottom is stamped in silver.

12 Transcription of title page

Recto: The Sum of|All Fears|Tom|Clancy|G. P. Putnamís Sons| New York Verso: G. P. Putnam's Sons|Publishers since 1838|200 Madison Avenue|New York, NY 10016|This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary the|settings and characters are fictitious and not intended to represent|specific places or living persons|Copyright 1991 by Jack Ryan Enterprises, Ltd.| All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be|reproduced in any form without permission. Published | simultaneously in Canada.|Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data |Clancy, Tom, date|The sum of all fears/ Tom Clancy|p. cm|ISBN 0-399-13615-0.--ISBN 0-399-13613-2 (limited ed.)|PS3553.L245S8 1991|813'.--dc20 91-11917 CIP|Printed in the United States of America|1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10|This book is printed on acid-free paper| [Logo]

13 JPEG image of title page, if available

14 Manuscript Holdings

As of 1999, I was unable to locate the manuscripts.

15 Other (typograpical information from title page, etc.)

Assignment 2: Publication and Performance History

1 Did the original publisher issue the book in more than one edition? If so, briefly describe distinguishing features of each (illustrations, cover art, typography, etc.); if not, enter N/A

G.P. Putnamís Sons issued the 1st edition of The Sum Of All Fears in August 1991. Along with the regular 1st edition, a special limited 1st edition was published in a lot of 600. These limited editions were signed by Tom Clancy. Putnam also issued a book club edition and an advance reading copy in pictorial paperwrap, both in 1991 Source: Bibliofind, Books In Print

2 JPEG image of cover art from one subsequent edition, if available

3 JPEG image of sample illustration from one subsequent edition, if available

4 How many printings or impressions of the first edition?

After extensive research I found that there were at least 12 printings by G.P. Putnamís Sons of The Sum Of All Fears . Source: Bibliofind

5 Editions from other publishers? If so, list their dates and publishers; if not, enter N/A

There were several editions released by other publishers: Large type editions: Macmillan Library Reference, Nov. 1991 Thorndike, Me. : Thorndike Press, 1991 HarperCollins, 1993 1991- London Fontana, 1991 Fontana (new edition), 1992 1st paperback: Berkley ed. 1992 1991; reissue edition (July 1996) HarperCollins, 1991 Source: Books In Print with Book Reviews, WorldCat (Virgo),

6 Last date in print?

As of 1999, The Sum Of All Fears is still in print. Source: Books in Print with Book Reviews

7 Total copies sold? (source and date of information?)

As of 1992, The Sum Of All Fears had sold 1.7 million copies in hardcover, and the first printing of the paperback was 4 million copies. Source: Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe: Chicago Sun-Times, 08/05/1992.

8 Sales figures by year? (source and date of information?)


9 Advertising copy (transcribe significant excerpts, briefly identify where ads were placed)

An ad appeared in Publishers Weekly July 19, 1991 for HarperCollins Publishers. It was a full page spread, with The Sum Of All Fears featured amid 4 other HarperCollins releases. ìRecession?î was located at the top of the page, above a picture of the 5 books. ìWhat Recession!î was located below the photograph. ìThe big names/ the big books/ the big promotions-/ from HarperCollins" (note: slashes denote separate lines of text). Below this copy is the HarperCollins logo, their name, and mailing information. This book was also featured in the ìForecastsî section of Publishers Weekly in the June 14 1991 issue.

10 JPEG image of sample advertisement, if available

11 Other promotion

The inside cover and 1st page of the Berkley paperback edition (1991) feature small excerpts of reviews from many newspapers and magazines, including The New York Times Book Review, People, Playboy, and the Boston Globe. The inside front cover also identifies The Sum Of All Fears as ìa main selection of the Book-of-the-Month Clubî. Examples: ìCLANCY KNOWS HOW TO BUILD A THRILLERÖSTIRRING AND VIVID.î - THE BOSTON GLOBE ìEXTRAORDINARY SUSPENSEî - KANSAS CITY STAR

12 Performances in other media? If so, list media, date, title, production information; if not, enter N/A

There were 2 recordings of The Sum Of All Fears made on audio tapes: Jay Robertson, narrator, The Sum Of All Fears, Books on Tape Inc., 1991, special library edition. David Ogden Stiers, narrator, The Sum Of All Fears, Simon and Schuster Audio, 1991. Movie- A movie based on The Sum of All Fears is set to be released in 2000 by Paramount Pictures. This film will be directed by Phillip Noyce and produced by Mace Neufeld. Sources: WorldCat (Virgo), (internet movie database)

13 Translations? If translated, give standard bibliographic information for each translation. If none, enter N/A

Translations include: Paanico nuclear (editions 1-5). Barcelona : Plaza & Janaes, 1998 1992. Translation into Korean, Seoul : Korea 1995. Suma wszystkich strachaow. Warszawa : Adamski I Bielianski, 1996. La somme de toutes les peurs : roman. Paris, Albin Michel, 1991. Translation into Japanese, Tokyo : Bungei Shunjau, 1993. Vse strakhi mira. Moskva : ìMirî , 1993. La suma de todos los miedos. Buenos Aires : Emecae Editores, 1992. Kol ha-peohadim kulam. Tel Aviv : Sifriyat Ma Ariv, 1992. Paura senza limite. Milano : Rizzoli, 1991. Dutch translation (Golf van ontzetting). Utrecht : A.W. Bruna Uitgevers B.V., 1992. German translation (DasEcho Aller Furcht). Blanvalet, 1992. Source: WorldCat (Virgo)

14 Serialization? If serialized, give standard bibliographic information for serial publication. If none, enter N/A


15 Sequels/Prequels? Give standard bibliographic information for each. If none, enter N/A

The Sum Of All Fears is one in a series of nine books centered around the character of Jack Ryan. The series is as follows: Without Remorse (1994) Patriot Games (1987) The Hunt for Red October (1984) The Cardinal of the Kremlin (1988) Clear and Present Danger (1989) The Sum of All Fears (1991) Debt of Honor (1994) Executive Orders (1996) Rainbow Six (1998) * Note that the dates given above are publication dates. The novels are listed in series order, not by publication order. Source:

Assignment 3: Biographical Sketch of the Author

1 Paste your biographical sketch here (maximum 500 words)

*note-for a full biographical overview, please see the entry for Patriot Games. Thomas L. Clancy Jr. is one of the most well known authors of the late 20th century, however, very little is known about his private life. He was born on April 12th, 1947, majored in English at Baltimore's Loyola College, and worked as an insurance broker in Maryland. In college he dreamed of writing a novel, and in 1984 this dream and a lifelong passion for naval history combined to produce his first book, The Hunt For Red October. This novel began the Tom Clancy phenomenon, changing this man from a simple writer into a "superstar author who created his own fiction genre and has franchised his name into audios, movies, and computer games, Clancy-sports entrepreneur and friend and counselor to presidents and generals". The Sum Of All Fears was Clancy's 5th book in the Jack Ryan "series", coming after Clear and Present Danger (published in 1989) and before Without Remorse (published in 1994). Along with the Jack Ryan books, Clancy has written or been involved with other non-fiction books covering the United States armed forces (Submarine, Armored Warfare, Fighter Wing, Marine, and Airborne), and has contributed to the Op-Center books, first as the TV series, then as the novels. Along with these literary projects, Clancy has also been involved as a Presidential Blue-Ribbon Panel member (subject: NASA), is a friend of Republican presidents, hobnobber with FBI and military honchos (his payment for a speech at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds: "playing" with some of the vehicles), a professional sports team owner (he owns 23% of the Baltimore Orioles), and a self-proclaimed expert on national defense. The Sum Of All Fears, as are the rest of Clancy's books, was published by Putnam, and all of his paperbacks are published by Berkley. Clancy has not thought of changing houses: "Why should I change? I'm not going to make more money anywhere else." Putnam, in turn, treats Clancy very well. His first hardcover deal with the house brought him $3 million for 3 books, and in 1992 he drew $13 to $14 million for the rights to Without Remorse. The legal aspects of Clancy's writing career are very controversial. There have been numerous accusations of his unauthorized use of classified information in his novels. This is a sensitive point for Clancy, and he vehemently denies the charge: "The fact is, I can make up stuff that later turns out to be real." To make it real, Clancy relies on expert advice, his talent for research, and constantly improving his writing. There have also been questions about authorial credit and Clancy's paperback work. In 1995 TV Guide named Jeff Rovin as the author of Clancy's Op-Center, the companion novel to an NBC miniseries based on an outline that Clancy contributed to. Clancy is technically one of the "creators" of this book. These questions regarding authorial credit center on the fact that it is very hard to figure out who did what, and most contributors can't discuss these questions due to confidentiality agreements with Jack Ryan Ltd., and others. Tom Clancy isn't just an author, he's an industry. Off the copyright for one of Clancy's books comes international translation rights, TV rights, film rights, multimedia rights, and audio rights. All of these opportunities have been exploited: The Hunt for Red October, Patriot Games, and Clear and Present Danger were box-office hits. Red Storm Entertainment, a computer game company co-founded by Clancy has produced several games, a TV miniseries (developed with Clancy's aid) called "Net Force" aired on ABC in 1998, and many of his books exist as books on tape. On a final note, Paramount is developing a screenplay of Without Remorse, and is "working on" a new Ryan film- The Sum Of All Fears- with Harrison Ford to fill the starring role. Sources: Auletta, Ken. Words from the wise. Some of our summer authors talk about the inspirations, challenges, and (they hope) pleasures of their new books. Publishers Weekly, April 5 1991. Carlson, Peter. What Ticks Tom Clancy Off?. The Washington Post, June 27 1993. Schindehette, Susan. Storm Rising. People Weekly, June 15 1998. Tom Clancy Web Files. http://users.cybercity.dlk Zaleski, Jeff. The Hunt For Tom Clancy. Publishers Weekly, July 13 1998.

Assignment 4: Reception History

1 Paste contemporary reception history in here (maximum 500 words)

Rich Cohen (of Rolling Stone) has written of Tom Clancy's fiction style: "Indeed, Clancy seems to have saturated the national consciousness, creating a new American style, a hybrid of rugged individualism and high technology." Clancy, the "king of the techno-thriller" (Patrick Anderson, New York Times Magazine) indeed delivers at least on that aspect in his sixth fiction novel, The Sum of All Fears. The novel receives praise for Clancy's knowledge (and his ability to express this knowledge) on the topics of warfare, physics, intelligence, and the Navy. "As in all his previous novels, this one bulges with technological verisimilitude... In it's plotting, vividness and suspense, this is Mr. Clancy's best book since ?The Hunt for Red October'." (New York Times Book Review) "[There is] enough technodazzle to satisfy the most seriously committed technofreak, but it is plain old-fashioned plotting in the best, hair-raising, we're-all-going-to-die-in-five-seconds-if-somebody-doesn't-do-something tradition that keeps things cracking in the very eventful life of Jack Ryan?" (Kirkus Reviews) The combination of action and technology Clancy is known for lead to a "splendid, long-drawn-out climax" (Washington Post Reviews). Another factor that many find pleasing is the fact that the good guys win in the end?"Unlike the soaps, though, in this tale, the baddies all get their comeuppance" (Detroit Free Press). There is a critical point in most of the reviews I found, and beyond this, the reviewers seem to run out of complimentary things to say. The hinging factor is Clancy's use of multiple sub-plots. These sub-plots take quite a while to become developed and to be intertwined into the whole story: "What's harder to overlook is that Clancy ignores the cardinal rule of potboilers: Action keeps the pages turning. Sure, the action he delivers is gripping. But it doesn't begin until the last quarter of this nearly 800-page tome. Until then, he asks the reader to bear with him through 600 pages of scene-setting and character development, held together with soap-opera story lines, tired terrorist rantings, and excruciating detail on how to build a nuclear bomb." (Detroit Free Press) "From a storytelling point of view, it was better when all the bad guys were in the Kremlin and the good guys in the Pentagon?Now, Clancy has to hop back and forth between so many far-flung conspirators that it is often impossible to tell where a scene is occurring and who is talking?" (Time Review) Many reviewers also found fault with Clancy's use of the internal monologue: "Each individual, from the Ryan up to the president and down to the Palestinian farmer, have long, drawn-out discussions with themselves. In fact, the discussions go on nauseam." (Roanoke Times Reviews) "?as time went by and the other actors were introduced, each with his artless but interminable interior monologue, it seemed to me that this was rather heavy going, that prolixity had taken the bit between his teeth and was tearing away towards horizons lost in a fog of words." (Washington Post Reviews) Most reviewers feel the book is too long by nearly a third, and an interesting theory on why this is was put forth by Patrick O'Brian of the Washington Post. He feels that Clancy is by nature a storyteller, much like the men who used to recite genealogies, history, legends, and tales in the time before stories were written down. The oral tale is largely concerned with events, and the characters become known to us by these events?the story is told from the "outside". However, novelists have much more freedom, and for those writers that are so inclined (i.e. Clancy) may speak of them from the inside, hence the seemingly endless stream-of-conscious found in The Sum of All Fears. Most of the reviews of The Sum of All Fears are very impressed with the action (when it finally arrives), detail, and "technodazzle" involved in putting together this story of terrorism. Morton Kondracke of the New York Times Book Review wrote: "It's one of Mr. Clancy's gifts that he can keep several sub-plots and sub-sub plots in the air at the same time. In this book he has outdone himself." However, it is on this very issue that many reviewers disagree; they feel the book is too long, includes too many characters (who begin to sound the same), too many themes, and that this inclusion of multiple themes and the time it takes to develop them leads to a unevenness which takes away from the readers enjoyment of this novel.

2 Paste subsequent reception history in here (maximum 500 words)

The Sum of All Fears has had a somewhat small but still important effect on the reading public. All of Clancy's novels are very popular with armed forces personnel as well as the public, and they have garnered praise from such prominent figures as former President Ronald Reagan and former Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger. Tom Clancy's work has also received more negative attention from high ranking armed forces officials concerned that his extrapolations from declassified information were uncomfortably close to the truth (Contemporary Authors). The Sum of All Fears has been the subject of or included in several articles in scholarly journals: Technico-Military Thrills and the Technology of Terror: Tom Clancy and the Commission of the Disappeared. Cultural Critique 32: 135-52. 1995-96 Winter. Cary, NC. Radical feminist Tom Clancy Deserves to be Taken Seriously. Cultural Critique V7 #318. September 2 1994. T.E. Lawrence and Tom Clancy. T.E. Notes: A T.E. Lawrence Newsletter 3(1): 3. January 1992. Counting on Democracy: Adding up the Sum of Fears. Antithesis 6(1) 29-41. 1992. A book has also been written about Clancy's works: Garson, Helen S. Tom Clancy: A Critical Companion. While some have said The Sum of All Fears was Clancy's best work after The Hunt for Red October, the novel really isn't mentioned in any subsequent reviews for his other books. The most important role this novel (and other Tom Clancy works) seems to have played has been with the US Navy. The Hunt for Red October was the first novel (and bestseller) for both its author and it's publisher, the Naval Institute Press. The NIP had previously only published scholarly and strategic works and the occasional collection of short stories or poems about the sea. Soon it became obvious that Clancy was a public relations boon for the US Navy. His novel The Hunt for Red October was used by Secretary of the Navy John Lehman to sell a new attack submarine to Congress (CLC). Bluntly put, the Navy has found Clancy to be good for business. In a way, Tom Clancy has become Jack Ryan: He lectures at the FBI, dines at the White House, and has been asked on numerous occasions to run for public office. Some critics even credit the author with helping to banish the negative opinion of the military that arose after the United State's controversial involvement in the Vietnam War (Contemporary Authors). While Clancy's works have many critics, it cannot be denied that good or bad, his writings have had an effect far more reaching than one would have imagined when a tired insurance salesman began typing out a novel on a TV table in Maryland over 15 years ago. Works Cited and sourced: Alotta, Robert. "Clancy's ?Sum' Adds Up to a Dud". The Roanoke Times. 1 September 1991: F-4. Clancy, Thomas L. Jr. Gale Literary Databases: Contemporary Authors. 12 November 1999 Gray, Paul. Time Magazine. 19 August 1991: 138:57. Kirkus Reviews. 1 June 1991 Kondracke, Morton. New York Times Book Review. 28 July 1991: p9. Menand, Louis. New Yorker. 16 September 1991: 67:91. O'Brian, Patrick. "Once More on the Brink". The Washington Post. 28 July 1991: X01. Williamson, Ted. "Long Fuse to Doomsday-Clancy's New Thriller has Explosive Ending." Detroit Free Press. 28 July 1991: FTR. .

Assignment 5: Critical Analysis

1 Paste your critical analysis in here (maximum 2500 words)

The Sum of All Fears was not Tom Clancy's best selling book, however it was just one in a long list of bestsellers by the former insurance salesman from Maryland. Clancy has become the renaissance man of modern pop literature, as his writing has gone beyond the realm of the "techno-thriller" novel and into the world of film, video games, and non-fiction books as well. How did this unknown become such an icon in the fifteen years since his first novel, The Hunt for Red October hit the market and the #1 spot on the bestseller list? As Rich Cohen of Rolling Stone states "Indeed, Clancy seems to have saturated the national consciousness, creating a new American style, a hybrid of rugged individualism and high technology." The answer to this question seems to be a combination of many factors, namely a unique writing style, an infamous public persona, and simply creating this new genre at a time that caught the public's interest. The Sum of All Fears fits neatly into this explanation, by nature of it's style, topic, and use of a fictitious yet likely story that "caught the attention of the reading public everywhere." In fact, the only area in which this novel might not fit is in length: "[Clancy] ignores the cardinal rule of potboilers: Action keeps the pages turning. Sure, the action he delivers is gripping. But it doesn't begin until the last quarter of this nearly 800-page tome." (Williamson) Although Tom Clancy is well known for his excellent action sequences, in The Sum of All Fears he went about developing the characters and plot a bit too long, leaving many to feel that the actual story took place in the last 200 pages, with 600 pages of (sometimes unnecessary) background before. The literary qualities of The Sum of All Fears are the first things to consider when pondering the question of why it was a number one bestseller. "Clancy not only relies on expert advice and his talent for research but also works hard to improve his writing. Most anyone who has read all of his books realizes that his writing has sharpened over the years. His prose is punchier, his themes more august and perhaps most important to him, his characters have redder blood." (Zaleski). Tom Clancy's writing style has always been unique to him, however as he has volume of output has increased, his writing style has also improved. Thus, The Sum of All Fears being one of his later publications, it became the benefactor of this refined writing style. This style, the "techno-thriller", is well known for it's detailed description of machinery and weapons, it's well-woven plot lines and sub-plots, and it's life-like characters. "[The author] makes his multiple sub-plots vivid by creating a set of characters to bring each one alive" states the New York Times Book Review. By using internal monologue, Clancy manages to bring each of his characters to life, and then weave them together so subtlely that the reader barely notices. By doing this, several different views on a particular current event can be portrayed and served up for the readers consideration. Through The Hunt for Red October and his successive novels, Clancy not only created his own genre, but also revisited that of the military thriller. Within a few years after the debut of The Hunt for Red October, the lists were crowded with like-minded authors writing in the same style. These include Harold Coyle, Dale Brown, Stephen Coonts, and Larry Bond (Zaleski). However, Clancy's name still stands alone as the predominant author of his genre: "Unprecedented knowledge of military technology, plots of rousing adventure and taut suspense, and themes that address current international concerns have combined to make Clancy one of the most popular authors in the country." (Streitfe) When the question of why Clancy inevitably sells to the #1 position, the publisher and editor-in-chief of Putnam states: "The reason [is that] Tom is Tom, aside from the fact that he constructs really good plots and that he can take the reader into a work like nobody else can. He has access to the people who know things, which is why his novels are so much ahead of the curve." (Zaleski) This quote brings up an important fact. Aside from the fact that Clancy is a quality writer, his public persona just increases his popularity. His well-hidden family life and his larger-than-life public image add up to form a mystique that interests people and draws them toward his writing. "In a way, Tom Clancy has become Jack Ryan [his protagonist in many novels]: he lectures at the FBI; he dines at the White House; he has been asked on numerous occasions to run for public office; he attends meetings at the CIA, and like his friends there, he seems almost comically obsessed with leaks and the flow of information." (Contemporary Literary Criticism) Tom Clancy basically lives the American dream: an unknown, lower income person becomes extremely wealthy and famous, seemingly overnight. A writer of hardcover novels has become an entertainment tycoon, with his name extended into a variety of media, including film, multi-media, and non-fiction writings. Today, Tom Clancy is more than an author, just as Walt Disney was more than an animator. He is the producer of a distinctive and innovative body of work, a brand name much like Disney (Zaleski). "I'm trying to work on what I call 'Clancy brand'. I think there are certain authors that are a brand and they have to be treated [and marketed] a little differently than a normal author" states Michael Ovitz, a former agent and friend of Clancy's (Zaleski). Even if a person has never heard of Tom Clancy, he/she has most likely seen or heard of one of the three feature films that evolved out of his novels. This kind of widespread exposure to the public would definitely increase the population's interest in the writer, lead to increased book sales, and thus a #1 slot on the bestseller list. Clancy's use of relevant contemporary events makes up a large portion of the interest in his work as well. As Robert Gottlieb, Tom Clancy's business representative explains, "Tom's books and interests coincide with a lot of changes that have taken place in our society." (Zaleski) In The Sum of All Fears, a global crisis unfolds, and as Clancy propels the reader to the conclusion, he confronts some of the political and technological issues facing our world today (Phillips). Tom Clancy says of The Sum of All Fears: "It is my belief that nobody has ever seriously examined the subject that I'm examining, has ever really looked at it carefully and accurately. I think this is the first intelligent book about a very, very serious subject, and that subject is nuclear crisis management." (Publishers Weekly) Frequent topics in Tom Clancy's fiction make use of the former Cold War between the United States and Russia, terrorism from militant groups in the Middle East, and counter-terrorism in response. These issues apply to the present and near-past world that we live in, thus making these novels pertinent to political issues of today. In these novels though, one thing always remains the same: there is the "comforting certainty that our side will win (Kondracke). These novels also include a glimpse into the secret world of the CIA, the FBI, and the inner workings of our highest government positions (Contemporary Literary Criticism). Clancy, making use of his excellent research and inference skills (i.e. using information from declassified Naval documents and shaping them into plausible stories) feeds the curiosity of the reader for a life they will most likely never lead. This privileged feeling of knowing something you aren't supposed to know satisfies the reader and keeps them coming back for more. In this way Tom Clancy increases his readership and flaunts his knowledge of history and government, all while pleasing the reading population. As novels go, The Sum of All Fears is not the most distinguished and not the most unique book of Tom Clancy's many Jack Ryan novels. This novel has received very little space in literary overviews of Clancy's work. This could be the result of a plot line departs from the standard "Russia versus the United States" theme and a somewhat confusing story line. However, as a novel in the public arena, The Sum of All Fears pulls together many of the characteristics of a "good read", thus garnering it's own popularity on a both a literary basis and through it's author. In conclusion, some books become famous simply by literary virtue alone, however, The Sum of All Fears enjoyed a majority of its popularity because the name 'Tom Clancy' was on the front cover. Tom Clancy writes blockbusters. His books are announced with huge publicity campaigns and fanfare, and they jump to the top of the bestseller lists almost immediately. When a person purchases a Clancy novel, he has a clear sense of what he is going to get: a Tom Clancy novel. Clancy books are a known quantity; they are books you purchase "when there is no one with the credibility to tell you what else you ought to read" (Gladwell). Just as John Grisham and Patricia Cornwell's books are likely purchased for the name on the cover, Tom Clancy enjoys the same benefits, and some additional ones as well. These benefits come from a history of quality, satisfying novels featuring plots that interest the up-to-date reader, and a name known all over due to the movies, video games, and other marketing ventures that include the name of their creator, Tom Clancy. Works Cited Gale Literary Databases: Contemporary Authors. 12 November 1999. Contemporary Literary Criticism. Gale Publishing. Dahlin, Robert, and Sally Lodge, Amanda Smith, Charles Hix. "Words from the Wise". Publishers Weekly 5 April 1991: 12-15. Gladwell, Malcolm. "The Science of the Sleeper". The New Yorker 4 October 1999: 48-54. Kondracke, Morton. The New York Times Book Review. 28 July 1991: 9. Phillips, Christopher. "Red October's Tom Clancy: after the hunt". Saturday Evening Post Sept.-Oct. 1991: 16-18. Tom Clancy Web Files. Home page. 14 November 1999. http://users.cybercity.dlk/ Williamson, Ted. "Long Fuse to Doomsday-Clancy's New Thriller has Explosive Ending". Detroit Free Press. 28 July 1991: FTR-7Q. Zaleski, Jeff. "The Hunt for Tom Clancy". Publishers Weekly. 13 July 1998: 43.

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