Rice, Anne: The Queen of the Damned
(researched by Sarah Hastings)

Assignment 1: Bibliographical Description

1 First edition publication information (publisher, place, date, etc.)

1) Anne Rice. Queen of the Damned: The Third Book in the Vampire Chronicles. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc, 1988. A Borzoi Book. Copyright 1988 Anne OíBrien Rice; Untitled poem copyright 1988 Stan Rice International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Parallel First Edition in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto. Distributed by Random House, Inc. New York.

2 First edition published in cloth, paper, or both? If both, simultaneous or staggered?

2) First Edition is published in white cloth.

3 JPEG image of cover art from first edition, if available

4 Pagination

4) 231 leaves, pp. [10] [1-3] 4-8 [9] 10 [11] 12-29 [30-33] 34-38 [39] 40-54 [55] 56-66 [67] 68-108 [109] 110-124 [125] 126-177 [178-181] 182-224 [225-227] 228-240 [241] 242-260 [261] 262-278 [279] 280-321 [322] 323-344 [345] 346-356 [357] 358-363 [364] 365-394 [395-397] 398-417 [418-421] 422-448 [4]

5 Edited or Introduced? If so, by whom?

5) There is no mention of an editor, but there is a list of Anne Riceís works under her other pseudonyms on page 2 of the unnumbered front 10. There is a dedication to Stan Rice, Christopher Rice, and John Preston and to the memory of her editors John Dodds and William Whitehead. The poem ìTragic Rabbitî is on the 7th unnumbered page and the numbered portion of the book begins with an introduction by the character Lestat, which is followed by a Proem that sets up the sequence of the book before the main text begins.

6 Illustrated? If so, by whom?

6) There are no illustrations ñ just simple flower or featherlike printerís flowers on the title pages of each section and chapter.

7 JPEG image of sample illustration, if available

8 General physical appearance of book (Is the physical presentation of the text attractive? Is the typography readable? Is the book well printed?)

8) The pages are 15.1 cm by 23 cm. The text is 11.6 by 18.7 on the page and 11.6 by 19.7 including the title and/or headings found on each page. The book was set in a digitized version of Janson type; though to have been designed by the Dutchmen Anton Janson, who was a practicing type founder in Leipzig during the years 1668-1687. However, it has been conclusively demonstrated that it is actually the work of Nicholas Kis (1650-1702), a Hungarian, who most probably learned his trade from the master Dutch type founder Dirk Vos Kens. The type is an excellent example of the influential and sturdy Dutch types that prevailed in England up to the time of William Coslon (1692-1766) developed his own incomparable designs from them. Composed by The Huddon Craftsmen, Inc. , Scranton, Pennsylvania. Printed and bound by Fairfield Graphics, Fairfield, Pennsylvania. Designed by Virginia Tan. The titles of the chapters are done in a large version of this type and are accompanied usually by a poem by Stan Rice and/or printers flowers. However, this gets more scarce as the book progresses. Each leaf, except the chapter title pages, has the chapter title in italics at the top on the front and the title of the book in regular type on the back. The pages are numbered in the top right corner except for the chapter title pages.

9 JPEG image of sample chapter page, if available

10 Paper (Assess the original quality of the paper used for the book. Is the paper in the copy or copies you examined holding up physically over time?)

The paper used for the First Edition is a high quality thick creamy, off-white color with laid edges. The pages are in pristine condition because the book is only 14 years old and has been well cared for. The paper stock is continuous throughout the book.

11 Description of binding(s)

The cloth binding is a dull white with gilt lettering; on the spine the authorís name appears horizontally, title is vertical with the greyhound image facing left, and the publisher horizontally. On the front of the book there is a gilt design with the authorís initials inside. The edges are plain and the endpapers are white. The dust jacket has chrome, gray, and cream image of an angel on the front and back that is from a sterling silver punch bowl, 1889, Tiffany & Co. Courtesy of the Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Ms. C. Oliver Iselin. The jacket design is by Carol Devine Carson. The front of the dust jacket has (in vertical descending order) in red letters ìThe Vampire Chroniclesî, the title in black letters, and the authorís name in red letters. The dust jacket spine has the title in black, authorís name in red with the red greyhound facing left below, and the publisherís last name in black. On the back right corner there is a barcode and on the left edge it states, ìPrinted in USA copyright 1988 Alfred A Knopf, Incî in very small print. The inside of the dust jacket there is a summary and a photo of the author taken by Victoria Rouse.

12 Transcription of title page

(recto/front) THE QUEEN OF THE DAMNED (very large type)/The Third Book in the Vampire Chronicles (small type)/by (medium type)/ANNE RICE/(greyhound stamp facing left)/(small type) ALFRED A. KNOPF/New York/1988. (verso/back) THIS IS A BORZOI BOOK/PUBLISHED BY ALFRED A KNOPF, INC/Copyright © 1988 by Anne OíBrien Rice/Untitled poem copyright © 1988 by Stan Rice/ All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright/ Conventions. Published in the United States by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.,/New York, and simultaneously in Canada by Random House, Inc., New York./ Poems by Stan Rice. Copyright © 1975 by Stan Rice/ Published by The Figures./ Poems by Stan Rice quoted in this book were originally published in:/ ìSome Lambî by Stan Rice Copyright 1975 Stan Rice/Published by The Figures. Reprinted Stan Rice/ ìWhiteboyî Stan Rice Copyright 1976 Stan Rice/ Pub Mudra Reprinted Stan Rice/ ìBody of Workî Stan Rice Copyright 1983 Stan Rice/ Reprint Lost Roads Publishers/ Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Public Data/ Rice, Anne [date] The queen of the damned./ (The Vampire Chronicles)/Sequel to: The vampire Lestat./ I. Title. II. Series: Rice, Anne [date]/ Chronicles of the Vampires; 3rd book./ PS3568.1265Q8 1988 813í.54 88-45310/ ISBN O-394-55823-5/ Manufactured in the United States of America/ First Edition. (bracketed ìdateî and poem titles in italics)

13 JPEG image of title page, if available

14 Manuscript Holdings

Information on the holdings is not available as of December 2002.

15 Other (typograpical information from title page, etc.)

Assignment 2: Publication and Performance History

1 Did the original publisher issue the book in more than one edition? If so, briefly describe distinguishing features of each (illustrations, cover art, typography, etc.); if not, enter N/A

1) In 1988 Knopf did a Book club edition, and in 1999 they did another edition. Sources: World Cat and Amazon.com

2 JPEG image of cover art from one subsequent edition, if available

3 JPEG image of sample illustration from one subsequent edition, if available

4 How many printings or impressions of the first edition?

4) Knopf did a second printing in 1995 of the first edition and there was some evidence of an ìuncorrected proofî edition that was also done in 1988. Most of the subsequent editions were done under the Random House company, but in the Ballantine division. Sources: World Cat, Amazon.com, and Randomhouse.com

5 Editions from other publishers? If so, list their dates and publishers; if not, enter N/A

5) 1989 Ballantine Books 1st Mass Marketed edition 1989 1st ed reprint Ballantine Books 1989 Macdonald 1990 Futura 1993 Mass Market paperback Ballantine Books 1994 Reissue edition Ballantine Books 1994 London,Warner 1997 1st ed Ballantine Books trade paperback edition 1999 Library binding edition Bt Bound Also in 1990 Ballantine published a hardcover edition of it bound with its two prequils, and again in 2002 The Vampire Chronicles Collection (3 volumes available in box set) was published. Sources: World Cat, Amazon.com, Randomhouse.com, and BarnesandNoble.com

6 Last date in print?

6) October 2002 Sources: World Cat and Amazon.com

7 Total copies sold? (source and date of information?)

7) At least 300,000 were sold in the first year of publication; beyond this a figure is not available as of December 2002. Sources: Publisherís Weekly, Lexis Nexis, Random House, Inc.

8 Sales figures by year? (source and date of information?)

8) Before publication 260,000 were printed and were expected to be sold ñ no information is available beyond this figure as of December 2002. Sources: Publisherís Weekly, Lexis Nexis, Random House, Inc.

9 Advertising copy (transcribe significant excerpts, briefly identify where ads were placed)

9) In the October 28, 1988 edition of Publisherís Weekly there was an interview with Anne Rice in regards to Queen of the Damned which had just been released and entered the market at #2 on the Fiction Bestsellers List. The book itself did not receive much publicity; the Vampire Chronicles were already widely read and this book had a waiting audience. Most of the advertisement material was in regard to the movie that was made in 2001. The legendary vampire Lestat, awakening from a decades-long slumber, becomes a famous rock 'n' roll star whose music wakes up the ancient Akasha, the queen of all vampires, who subsequently embarks on a mission to make him her king. In the process, a young woman who works as a vampire hunter falls in love with LestatÖ One young Talamascan student, Jesse Reeves (Marguerite Moreau), becomes obsessed with Lestat after reading his journal from the 1800sÖThe film truly belongs to Townsend and fans of the Anne Rice's novels will be happy to know he completely embodies the charismatic vampire LestatÖDamned was set to be released in the fall of last year but word of mouth had the film destined for the video shelf before it even made it to the big screen. Then tragedy struck and as the news of Aaliyah's untimely death echoed throughout the world of entertainmentÖ With a killer performance by its leading vampire and a last appearance by the late Aaliyah, Queen of the Damned should appeal to the music video generation and rake in some healthy box office numbers. Hollywood.com Sources: Publisherís Weekly, Google.com, and Amazon.com.

10 JPEG image of sample advertisement, if available

11 Other promotion

11) There are dolls, bookmarks, guitar picks, movie sound tracks, videos, and DVD available. There was a comic book version available published in 1992-3 in Wheeling, WV by Faye Perozich, OJ Carrello, Vickie Williams and Derick Gross. Also, in 2000 a screenplay was made available. Sources: World Cat and annerice.com

12 Performances in other media? If so, list media, date, title, production information; if not, enter N/A

12) In 2001 the movie was made by Scott Abbott and Michael Petron and directed by Michael Rymer and it was released in February 2002 staring Aaliyah as Akasha and Stuart Townsend as Lestat. Sources: World Cat and AnneRice.com

13 Translations? If translated, give standard bibliographic information for each translation. If none, enter N/A

13) Spanish: La reina los condenados1990 Barcelona: Editorial Timun Mas La reina los condenados: cronicas1994 1st Edition Barcelona: Edicion es B, S. A. La reina de los condenados 1995 Barcelona: Circulo de Lecteres ñ translation from 1988 1st edition. La reina de los condenados 2000 Madrid Punto de Lectura French: La Reine des damnes: chroniques des vampires 1994 Paris Olivier Orban ñ pocket edition translation from 1990 edition Polish: Krolowa Potepionych 2000 Pozan: Zyski Chinese: Tian qian zhe de nu wang 1999 Talbeishi Korean: Choju padun chadul ui yowang1995 Soul: Youl

14 Serialization? If serialized, give standard bibliographic information for serial publication. If none, enter N/A

14) N/A Sources: Publisherís Weekly and World Cat

15 Sequels/Prequels? Give standard bibliographic information for each. If none, enter N/A

15) Prequels: Interview with a Vampire 1976; The Vampire Lestat 1985. Sequels: The Tale of the Body Thief 1992; Memnoch the Devil 1995; The Vampire Armand 1998; Blood and Gold 2001.

Assignment 3: Biographical Sketch of the Author

1 Paste your biographical sketch here (maximum 500 words)

Anne Rice was born as Howard Allen O'Brien on October 4, 1941 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She changed her name to Anne in 1947. Anne's father, Howard, worked for the post office and her mother, Katherine, set out to raise Anne and her three sisters to be intelligent women. Katherine died from alcoholism when Anne was only 14 years old. Her father remarried and moved the family to Texas, where Anne would meet her future husband, Stan Rice. Anne attended Texas Women's University in 1959-1960, and then transferred to North Texas State University where Stan also enrolled. Anne did not complete her 2nd year of college ? she moved to San Francisco to look for a job. Anne married Stan Rice in Texas on October 14, 1961. The couple went back to San Francisco where they both enrolled in San Francisco University in 1962. Anne received her B.A. in Political Science in 1964; two years later her first child Michele was born. Sadly, Michele died at the age of five from leukemia. After Michele's death Anne plunged herself into the first of the Vampire Chronicles, "Interview With the Vampire" which was published in 1976. In 1979 Anne and Stan's second child, a son, Christopher Rice was born; by 2000 he too would become an author. In the year that "Queen of the Damned was published, Anne and her family moved back to New Orleans. She currently lives at 1239 First St., New Orleans, LA in a mansion known as St. Elizabeth's, which has recently been put on the market for sale. Her works between the publications of "Interview With the Vampire" and "Queen of the Damned" include: The Feast of All Saints, 1980; Cry to Heaven, 1982; The Vampire Lestat, 1985. Knopf published "Queen of the Damned" on Halloween in 1988. At the time of its release she and her husband Stan were living in a townhouse in New Orleans very close to where she grew up, and she had ex-communicated from the Catholic Church. She had not known the history of New Orleans when she grew up there, but she avidly learned New Orleans history at San Francisco State University. She said that her writing exploded after she tapped into this; growing up in New Orleans, having a Catholic background, the loss of her daughter and mother all initially fueled her writing and gave her characters "an intensity that's still there?As long as it is there, [she] will go on with them." She also said that "Queen of the Damned" was different from the previous Vampire Chronicles because in it she broadened her "canvas?[to] capture whole lives, the vision of an entire existence?the vision is all there [through the switch to a third person narrator] and the dreams of immortals all over the world." (Publisher's Weekly Oct. 28, 1988) When "Queen of the Damned" was published Anne had a third novel under her nom de plume Rampling in mind and was working on "The Witching Hour". Since the publication of "Queen of the Damned," Anne and her family have experienced some hard times, and she has produced quite a bit of work. Her publications through 1998 include: The Mummy, 1989; The Witching Hour, 1990; The Tale of the Body Thief, 1992; Lasher, 1993; Taltos, 1994; Memnoch the Devil, 1995; Servant of the Bones 1996; Violin 1997 and Vittorio 1998. However, after Vittorio's publication Anne suffered from a diabetic coma in December of 1998. Since her recovery her publications have included The Vampire Armand and Blood and Gold. In the late summer and early fall months of 2002 her husband Stan has been battling a brain tumor, but as of September 12, 2002 he was said to be doing well with his therapy and was painting. (www.annerice.com) She keeps a website that is periodically updated; she accepts and returns phone calls from a message system; and has a question and answer section on her website as well. There are also dolls and other collectables available for order on the website. As of October 2002 she is working on another book regarding vampires, "Blackwood Farm", that is to be released in 2003 and she expects a mini-series of "The Witching Hour" to air on NBC in the Fall of 2003. Sources Used: http://www.Annerice.com www.randomhouse.com/features/annerice Summer, Bob. "PW Interviews." Publisher's Weekly October 28, 1988.

Assignment 4: Reception History

1 Paste contemporary reception history in here (maximum 500 words)

Being the third book of the already acclaimed Vampire Chronicles Anne Rice's "Queen of the Damned" hit the shelves in October 1988 at #2 on the Bestseller's list. Rice's loyal fans had anticipated the release of the book, and were not disappointed. According to the Boston Globe "if you surrender and go with her on her eerie journey, you will find that you have surrendered to enchantment, as if in a voluptuous dream." Apparently this was a relief to her fans because her contemporary release of "The Witching Hour" had been a bit of a disappointment. According to critic Holly Price, Anne Rice "dazzled her readers world wide with the [latest of the] Vampire Chronicles?["The Queen of the Damned" is] very well written, thoroughly laced with history and superstition, an excellent read. This book was brightly received and did not dim through the first few years after its publication. According to Gregory Harris in September 2000, "The Queen of the Damned" is at an "entirely different level [than the previous two Chronicles], but is no less sensual and terrible?[its] inimitable, beautiful prose?readers familiar with Rice's intricate world will be thrilled?those experiencing Rice's work for the first time will find enough back ground to ensure deep involvement." In all of the contemporary reviews I found there was no negative reception of this book, despite the rough reception some of her other works that were published at this time received ? as already mentioned "The Witching Hour" is an example of that. Anne Rice seems to have found here niche in writing somewhat sensual, light horror fiction, and she kept her audience satisfied with this third edition to her Vampire Chronicles. Sources: - Boston Globe "Journeying with Anne Rice" November 19, 1989 and "A Rewarding Tale After Toil and Trouble" November 8, 1990. - Harris, Gregory. "BookPage Fiction Review: Halloween Roundup". BookPage. September 28, 2000.

2 Paste subsequent reception history in here (maximum 500 words)

Within the first fourteen years after "The Queen of the Damned" was published, it sustained popularity equal to that of a new release. It also experienced a surge in popularity in 2001 when the long awaited movie that was made from the book was finally released. The movie included some plot from the prequel "The Vampire Lestat" as well. The book remained a success, however the movie proved to be quite a disappointment to Anne Rice's many fans who had remained skeptical throughout its production. According to Publisher's Weekly "Rice's intensely loyal fans were outraged at every reported deviation?[yet] Ballantine (the publisher of the first mass market edition) hoped the film would attract a new group of fans." The critics in Anne Rice's hometown of New Orleans elaborated on the critiques of the movie by stating that: [It] striped Rice's beloved creations of all depth of character?[by giving a] Cliffs Notes condensation of Rice's "The Vampire Lestat" and "The Queen of the Damned" ? [with] melodramatic line readings?Rice was more concerned with the psychological and spiritual repercussions of her characters?[but] Rymer's movie [allows] no time for character development." The movie's release was also surrounded by a bit of controversy due to the fact that the actress playing Akasha, the Queen of the Damned, died before the movie was finished, but her portions of the filming were completed. Rice's fans were also concerned that the production would lacking since Tom Cruise was not playing the role of Lestat; these two factors would make one think that the movie production was destined to be poorly received. Fortunately for Anne Rice, her writing of this third book in her avidly read Vampire Chronicles was exactly what her readers had wanted despite the movie's poor reception. Sources: - LexisNexus The Times Picayune, New Orleans "Reality Bites" February 22, 2002 www.publishersweekly.reviewsnews.com/index.asp?layout=articleArchive&articleid=CA187979.

Assignment 5: Critical Analysis

1 Paste your critical analysis in here (maximum 2500 words)

Critical Essay: Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice Introduction Anne Rice's "Queen of the Damned" hit the shelves in 1988 as the highly anticipated third book of The Vampire Chronicles and it was the first of the books to become a mainstream best selling hit. The book is a part of the horror fiction genre that has been present in literature since Frankenstein and Dracula, and like these works it has a deeper run of social commentary. This book also contains characteristics of its post-modern literary time. Anne Rice retained her fame of her writing style amongst her fans and stoked the fire of the cultural cult that had began to develop surrounding her works, and would go on to continue the Chronicles after "The Queen of the Damned" was published. Also, this book went on to be developed into a film that was surrounded by controversy due to the actress Aaliyah's untimely death who played the queen herself. While the film received mixed reviews for this and other reasons, the book and the publicity for the film took the popularity of Anne Rice and her works to a new level of respect and notoriety. Relationship to the Author, Prequels and Sequels Although this is the third book dealing with generally the same characters, Anne Rice stated in an interview in 1988 that her intensity with them was still there and she would go on with them as long as it remained. This intensity is obvious to her readers as she weaves a more intricate plot and introduces and expands upon more characters than in the previous two Chronicles. "Interview With the Vampire", the first book, began the story in the middle with Lestat giving "the dark gift" to Louis and concentrates on Louis's experiences. "The Vampire Lestat", the second book, developed Lestat's character more, elaborated on the history of the vampires, and introduced characters that Rice fully expounds upon "The Queen of the Damned". Genre While the character's being vampires and the occasional bloody scenes of "The Queen of the Damned" leave it to be dubbed horror fiction, this description is a bit strong for the actual nature of the book. Bram Stoker's "Dracula" is far more haunting and the vampire character more definably evil than anything found in Rice's work. The vampires Anne Rice creates are very human in their desires, thoughts, and emotions. One can easily read of their adventures and go to bed without any fear of a ghoul appearing at their window seeking entry. Rather, Rice's characters are inviting with their kindness and the sensuality of blood drinking practices that seem a minor detail to their existence. Anne Rice is much more concerned with the development of characters' personalities, psyches, familial relationships, and the commentary on society that their lives and thoughts allow. Because of these characteristics it is arguable that "Queen of the Damned" could also qualify as a family drama. Performance in Other Media In 2000, after much controversy, the movie version of "Queen of the Damned" hit the silver screen only to receive mixed reviews. Aaliyah, who played the queen, had died shortly after the filming of her portion of the movie was complete, and her fans had mixed feelings about the use of the footage after her death ? especially since she was playing the queen of the undead. The film also was critiqued due to the quality of the screenplay and production. Another challenge the film and the actors had to meet was satisfying the fans not only of Brad Pitt and Tom Cruises' portrayals of Louis and Lestat, but also Anne Rice's literary fans of both "The Vampire Lestat" and "The Queen of the Damned" since the plot was a combination of both books. The film confronted all of these challenges and did tolerably well in the box office considering all of these factors. As of 2002, however, Rice has no plans to make a film of any of the five subsequent Vampire Chronicles. Conclusion Anne Rice began the Vampire Chronicles in 1976 with "Interview With the Vampire" and has continued to write tales of these vampires through the year 2002. However, book that was able to be the most successful in the mainstream of bestsellers was "The Queen of the Damned". By the time of its publication in 1988, Rice's fans were anticipating its arrival, and they anxiously awaited the movie by the same title until 2000 only to be disappointed. The ability that this horror fiction had to capture the attention of such a large gamut of the public is evidence of its deeper and arguably more prominent strain of social commentary that is obviously more important to Rice than the blood drinking practices of these characters. Through the Vampire Chronicles ? "The Queen of the Damned" in particular Anne Rice took the classic tale of the vampire, adapted it to the design of a post-modern writer, and has found a successful way to captivate millions ? including herself ? with an age-old tale of the supernatural and society's character in one. Sources www.annerice.com Boston Globe "Journeying With Anne Rice" November 19, 1989 and "A Rewarding Tale After Toil and Trouble" November 8, 1990. Harris, Gregory "BookPage Fiction Review: Halloween Roundup". BookPage. September 28, 2000 www.solcom.com/~manatee/authr.html Under the Covers "Queen of the Damned". Holly E. Price. December 4, 1999. LexisNexis. E.F. Bleiler. "The Night Has a Thousand Eyes" The Washington Post. November 6, 1988. Book World X8. LexisNexis. Gilbert, Matthew. "Book Review: The Queen of the Damned". The Boston Globe. November 21, 1988. Living 49. LexisNexis. Hooper, Barrett. "Death Becomes Them" National Post February 27, 2002. Arts & Life B1. LexisNexis. Kakutani, Michiko. "Books of the Times; Vampire Kingdom's Fate Hangs in the Balance" The New York Times. October 15, 1988. Section 1, pg. 20 LexisNexis. Kleinschrodt, Michael. "Reality Bites" The Times-Picayune February 22, 2002. Lagniappe 12. www.randomhouse.com/features/annerice Summer, Bob. "PW Interviews" Publisher's Weekly October 28, 1988

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