McCutcheon, George Barr: The Daughter of Anderson Crow
(researched by Misun Chang)

Assignment 1: Bibliographical Description

1 First edition publication information (publisher, place, date, etc.)

George Barr McCutcheon. The Daughter of Anderson Crow. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1907. Copyright: Dodd, Mead and Company Parallel First Editions: George Barr McCutcheon. Daughter of Anderson Crow. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1907.

2 First edition published in cloth, paper, or both? If both, simultaneous or staggered?

The first American edition is published in trade cloth binding.

3 JPEG image of cover art from first edition, if available

4 Pagination

190 leaves, pp. [5]vi[2][1]2-13[14]15-23[24][25]26-28[2]29-35[36] 37-48[49]50-54[2]55-60[61]62-67[68]69-74[75]76-83[84]85-90[91] 82-96[2]97[98]99-106[107]108-110[2]111-114[115]116-123[124]125-126 [2]127-130[131]132-142[143]144-146[2]147-153[154]155-156[2]157-164 [165]166-172[173]174[2]175-182[183]184-191[192]193-198[199]200-207 [208]209-216[217]218-222[2]223-226[227]228-235[236]237-244[245] 246-252[2]253-254[255]256-260[2]261-262[263]264-270[2]271-272[273] 274-284[285]286-296[297]298-304[2]305-308[309]310-318[319]320-329[330] 331-340[341]342-346

5 Edited or Introduced? If so, by whom?

This edition is neither edited nor introduced.

6 Illustrated? If so, by whom?

The illustrations consist of: 1 color plate frontispiece 52 drawings, which are drawn in the box of the text, on pages 3, 7, 8, 18, 19, [24], 30, 31, 40, 41, 46, 50, 55, 66, 70, 78, 88, 102, 103, 105, 108, 112, 116, 130, 132, 135, 139, 148, 149, 163, 169, 175, 178, 179, 180, 186, 188, 201, 224, 230, 233, 256, 265, 274, 278, 294, 295, 298, 304, 305, 325, 327 (p.24 is a full unnumbered page illustration) 14 black and white unnumbered plates on the following pages with the following legends (printed on glossy stock): 28: "'Safe for a minute or two at least,' he whispered" 54: "A baby, alive and warm, lay packed I n the blankets" 96: "September brought Elsie Banks" 110: "The teacher was amazingly pretty on this eventful night" 126: "What is the meaning of all this?" 146: The haunted house 156: Wicker Bonner 174: "Rosalie was no match for the huge woman" 184: "She shrank back from another blow which seemed impending" 222: "Left the young man to the care of an excellent nurse" 252: "'I think I understand, Rosalie'" 260: "'I beg your pardon humbly'" 270: "It was a wise, discreet old oak" 304: "The huge automobile had struck the washout" A list of illustrated plates is found after the table of contents All illustrations are done by B. Martin Justice.

7 JPEG image of sample illustration, if available

8 General physical appearance of book (Is the physical presentation of the text attractive? Is the typography readable? Is the book well printed?)

All measurements are in mm Book size: 130x193 Page size: 126x186 Text size: 88x142 (149 including chapter title on top of page) Type size: 91R Text type: Serif The text is easy to read due to the larger text size, dark type, constant and sufficient space between lines, and the large margins. The book is organized into chapters that always start on a brand new page, are numbered, and titled making each chapter easily distinguishable from the other chapters. The chapter numbers are written in larger roman numerals while the chapter titles are in italics, again, making each chapter easy to find. On the top of the recto side of every age, the name of the chapter is written in larger talicized text while the title of the text is written in larger italicized text on the verso side of every page so the reader does not lose his place. The yellowing of the pages does not affect the readability of the text. The drawings are placed within the box of text enabling the reader to see the events as they occur. The black and white plates have legends on the bottom of the pages to place the illustration in context. The legend itself is printed in a smaller type while the illustration is placed on the center of the plate.

9 JPEG image of sample chapter page, if available

10 Paper (Assess the original quality of the paper used for the book. Is the paper in the copy or copies you examined holding up physically over time?)

The paper is a cheap acid paper slightly rough, thick, off-white in color, has tiny dimples running diagnolly along the page, and is yellowed with age. The glossy stock, on which the plates are printed, have also yellowed with age. Currently, the paper and glossy stock are still very durable and in great condition, but the paper was not built to last. Only one plate is detached from the binding. There is some staining on a few of the pages, but they have little affect on the book's appearance.

11 Description of binding(s)

The binding is of a greenish cloth and medium lightness and has a diagonal-ribbed grain. The title on the cover of the book is stamped with white ink as is the author's name. To the left of the stamped text is a paper illustration of a woman wearing a hat. The title and illustration is bordered and divided by blind-stamped lines. The spine of the book has a blind-stamped line on the top, followed by the title stamped in white ink, two blind-stamped lines, the author's name stamped in white ink, two blind-stamped lines, the publisher stamped in white ink, and another blind-stamped line. The endpapers are made of the same paper as the pages of the text. They are blank and also yellowed with age. Transcription of spine: The | Daughter | of | Anderson Crow | George Barr| McCutcheon | Dodd, Mead | & Company Transcription of front cover: The | Daughter | of | Anderson Crow | George Barr | McCutcheon

12 Transcription of title page

Transcription of title page in typescript: Recto: THE DAUGHTER | OF ANDERSON CROW | BY | GEORGE BARR McCUTCHEON | Author of "Beverly of Graustark," "Jane Cable," etc. | WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY | B. MARTIN JUSTICE | [publisher's decorative device; oval-shaped with the initials M, D, &, CO. on the top, left, right, and bottom] | NEW YORK | DODD, MEAD AND COMPANY | 1907 Verso: COPYRIGHT, 1907 | B(triple underlined)y D(triple underlined)ODD, M(triple underlined)EAD, AND C(triple underlined)OMPANY | Published September, 1907 | All Rights Reserved

13 JPEG image of title page, if available

14 Manuscript Holdings

Information is currently unavailable.

15 Other (typograpical information from title page, etc.)

Call number: PS3525 .A187D38 1907 Located in the Barrett Library in Special Collections of Alderman Library at the University of Virginia. The only inscription is a small square of paper pasted on the bottom left-hand corner of the inside of the back cover and indicating the above information, and the word "gift". The lack of inscriptions could mean the book was not used in order to keep it in good condition.

Assignment 2: Publication and Performance History

1 Did the original publisher issue the book in more than one edition? If so, briefly describe distinguishing features of each (illustrations, cover art, typography, etc.); if not, enter N/A

There was no evidence of another edition. However, advertisements for another edition were published in the November 2, 16, and 23, 1907 issues of the Publisher's Weekly. But there was no further evidence that another edition is in existence. The Biography of American Literature recognizes this discrepancy and only lists one edition. Worldcat, RLIN, and The National Union Catalog, also, only list one edition.

2 JPEG image of cover art from one subsequent edition, if available

3 JPEG image of sample illustration from one subsequent edition, if available

4 How many printings or impressions of the first edition?

Dodd, Mead & Company September 18, 1907 New York, 346p. inc. col. front., illus. plates. 19.5cm (only printing)

5 Editions from other publishers? If so, list their dates and publishers; if not, enter N/A

Hodder & Stoughton September 28, 1907 London, 346p. incl.col.front., illus. plates. 19.5cm Grosset & Dunlap 1907 New York, 346p. illus. 20cm 1910 New York, 346p. incl. col. front., illus. plates. 19.5cm N.S.W.bookstall co., ltd. 1912 Sydney, Australia, 112p. 22cm. In double columns. Toronto: Wm Briggs, 1907 Buccaneer Books, Incorporated 1976

6 Last date in print?


7 Total copies sold? (source and date of information?)

Although the book was ranked number seven on the bestsellers list in 1907, it sold less than 750,000 copies.

8 Sales figures by year? (source and date of information?)

Information unavailable

9 Advertising copy (transcribe significant excerpts, briefly identify where ads were placed)

Advertisements from Publisher's Weekly September 14 through November 2, 1907: September 14, 1907 (2/3-page) PUBLISHED TO-DAY [centered on top of page] | [line] | The [next to top of cover illustration] | Daughter | of | Anderson | Crow | By [italics] | George Barr | McCutcheon | Author of [italics] | "GRAUSTARK," | "NEDRA," | "JANE CABLE," | Etc. [next to bottom of cover illustration] | 14 full-page illustrations, frontispiece in colors, and 53 outline drawings in the text by MARTIN JUSTICE September 21, 1907 (full-page) NOW READY [underscored] | IS YOUR ORDER IN? | [cover illustration] | THE [HE double underscored] DAUGHTER OF | ANDERSON CROW | By GEORGE BARR McCUTCHEON [first letter of each word in larger caps] | Author of "GRAUSTARK," "JANE CABLE," Etc. | 12 mo, cloth, illustrated. $1.50 | [line] | DODD, MEAD & COMPANY, NEW YORK September 28, 1907 (see item 10) October 5, 1907 (full-page) THE FIRST TWO WEEKS' SALE [TWO WEEKS' SALE is underscored] | OF MR. McCUTCHEONS NEW | STORY IS LARGER [LARGER is underscored] THAN | THAT OF ANY OF HIS PREVIOUS BOOKS. RE-ORDERS FROM BOOKSELLERS COME IN MORE QUICKLY THAN FOR | ANY OF HIS OTHER NOVELS [everything before this note enclosed in a box] | The Daughter of | Anderson Crow | BY | GEORGE BARR McCUTCHEON | AUTHOR OF | "Graustark," "Jane Cable," etc. | Illustrated, 12mo. $1.50 [in italics] | [line] | DODD, MEAD & COMPANY, NEW YORK October 12, 1907 (1/3-page sideways advertisement) THE HEROINES OF THREE SUCCESSFUL NEW STORIES [each word underscored and runs along sideways on right-side of page] | [illustration of the heroine] | The Daughter of | Anderson Crow | By GEORGE BARR McCUTCHEON | Author of [italics] | "GRAUSTARK," "JANE CABLE." | Illustrated. 12mo, $1.50 [italics] | [line running on left side top to bottom of page] | DODD, MEAD & AND COMPANY, 372 Fifth Avenue, NEW YORK [runs sideways from top to bottom of left side of page] November 2, 1907 (full-page) It has become necessary to go to | press with another [another is underscored] edition [also underscored] of | THE [HE in small caps and underscored] DAUGHTER OF [OF in small caps and underscored] ANDERSON CROW | This is the author's cleverest work, | and is now one [one underscored] of [underscored] the [underscored] six [underscored] best- [underscored] | sellers, [underscored] and, as it is being talked about more and more, we trust it will lead the list before January first. | "An agreeable and amus- | ing story, which keeps the reader constantly enter- | tained and interested." | -Phila. Press. [quote enclosed in box next to the following quote also enclosed in a box] | "Time counts for naught, | and you forget all worldly | cares while reading it." | -Boston Times. | The Daughter of | Anderson Crow | By GEORGE BARR McCUTCHEON | Author of [italics] | "GRAUSTARK," "JANE CABLE," | Fully illustrated. 12mo. $1.50 [italics] | [line] | DODD, MEAD & COMPANY, NEW YORK

10 JPEG image of sample advertisement, if available

11 Other promotion

No other promotions

12 Performances in other media? If so, list media, date, title, production information; if not, enter N/A

No performances in other media

13 Translations? If translated, give standard bibliographic information for each translation. If none, enter N/A

No translations

14 Serialization? If serialized, give standard bibliographic information for serial publication. If none, enter N/A


15 Sequels/Prequels? Give standard bibliographic information for each. If none, enter N/A

There was no direct information leading to a sequel or prequel. However, McCutcheon's _Anderson Crow, Detective_, which is based on a story he wrote for the Saturday Evening Post in 1904, is a possible prequel or sequel. The title character is the same Anderson Crow of _The Daughter of Anderson Crow_. McCutcheon, George Barr. _Anderson Crow, Detective_. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1920.

Assignment 3: Biographical Sketch of the Author

1 Paste your biographical sketch here (maximum 500 words)

(For general biographical information see the entries on Beverly of Graustark, Graustark, or Truxton King.) George Barr McCutcheon "lamented the lack of romance in modern life and was pleased that his most popular books in some measure supplied it" (Haycraft and Kunitz 870). He provided readers with the ideal, romantic, and adventurous love stories desired during that time period (Knight 126) selling over a total of 5 million copies of his novels; the most popular was his first novel Graustark published in 1901 (Haycraft and Kunitz 870). Graustark sold over a total of 1.5 million copies and was even turned into a successful play (Mott 209). Despite his initial popularity, after the publication of Nedra in 1905 none of his novels received high rankings (Publisher's Weekly February 21, 1925), but he remained on bestseller lists until 1914. The Daughter of Anderson Crow is one of these less popular novels. On April 16 and 23rd of the year 1904, the Saturday Evening Post published, in two installments, Anderson Crow a short story written by George Barr McCutcheon. The title character is based on his father when he worked as a marshal in a small town in Lafayette, Indiana. Later, he wrote The Daughter of Anderson Crow, published in 1907 and its father novel, Anderson Crow: Detective, in 1920. The Daughter of Anderson Crow received favorable reviews for a brief time, but Anderson Crow: Detective gained little popularity. In fact, it is said that the publication of the short story was a result of McCutcheon's popularity as the author of Graustark and Brewster's Millions (Lazarus 78). The only event of importance that took place during the time The Daughter of Anderson Crow was published was the wedding of McCutcheon's sister, Jessie McCutcheon, to Albert Raleigh on September 11, 1907 (Lazarus 91). McCutcheon, like many popular authors, lost popular favor after a short period of great renown. However he remained on bestseller lists for about 20 years, better than the average 10 years authors remain on the lists (Publisher's Weekly February 5, 1927). He was a profuse writer publishing one to two novels per year (The Literary Digest November 17, 1928). By his death on October 23, 1928, he had published over 30 novels (Kunitz 870), eight of them on bestsellers lists (Garraty 2). Sources: Carnes, Mark C. and John A. Garraty ed. American National Biography. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. "Fiction Fashions 1895 to 1926." Publisher's Weekly February 5, 1927. Haycraft, Howard and Stanley Kunitz. Twentieth Century Authors. _A Biographical Dictionary of Modern Literature._New York: H.W. Wilson Co., 1942. Knight, Grant C. Strenuous Age. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1954. Lazarus, A.L. Beyond Graustark. Port Washington: National University Publications, 1981. "The Most Popular Authors of Fiction Between 1900 and 1925." Publisher's Weekly February 21, 1925. Mott, Frank Luther. Golden Multitudes: The Story of Bestsellers in the United States. New York: R. R. Bowker Co., 1947. "Paying a Ticket to Graustark." The Literary Digest November 17, 1928.

Assignment 4: Reception History

1 Paste contemporary reception history in here (maximum 500 words)

Only a few reviews for the Daughter of Anderson Crow could be found. Of those few only one full-text review could be obtained, while the other reviews could only be found in short excerpts. These review excerpts, found in the Book Review Digest, praised McCutcheon's novel. "The humour and spirit of the book are well sustained by the illustrations." -Athenaeum 1907, 2: 613. November 16. "In addition to the various good qualities of the author shown in the book there is a good bit of character drawing in Crow." -New York Times. 12: 652. October 19, 1907. "Mr. McCutcheon, who told a good story in 'Jane Cable,' tells a better one in 'The Daughter of Anderson Crow.'" -Saturday Review. 104: 582. November 9, 1907. However, the full text excerpt found in the October 12, 1907 edition of the New York Times is much more critical. This reviewer writes a biting and sarcastic criticism of the novel, its author, and even its publisher. From the start, he accuses McCutcheon and his publishers of straying from worthwhile literary pursuits to cater to the paying public. He states that outside of giving the public what it wants, "it is impossible to understand why [McCutcheon's numerous books] should be either written or published" (New York Times October 12, 1907), questioning the literary merit of McCutcheon's novels. The review is filled with many more vicious attacks. He indirectly calls the book ill planned. While summarizing the novel, he states that McCutcheon "does not let the reader discover who [Anderson Crow's adopted daughter] is, and it is doubtful if he knew himself, until he reaches almost the final chapter" (NYT Oct. 12, 1907). He, then, continues his criticism by listing passages from the novel that make the mystery of Rosalie's background completely predictable. He says, "The reader can see with half an eye all the time that nothing less than wealth, nobility and social position can explain her" (NYT Oct. 12, 1907). Towards the end of the review, the reviewer points his sarcastic remarks toward the novel's main character, Anderson Crow. Instead of viewing Anderson as the humorous character McCutcheon intended him to be, he sees him as "endowed well with stupidity and cowardice" (NYT Oct. 12, 1907), and portrays him as such. In his short summary of a humorous scene in which Anderson unknowingly helps a band of train robbers hold up an audience watching a theatrical performance, the reviewer focuses on the stupidity of Anderson rather than the humor of the situation. Sources: Fanning, Clara Elizabeth, Justina Leavitt Wilson. The Book Review Digest. Minneapolis: The H.W. Wilson Company, 1907, pp.274-275. "Romance at Full Tilt." New York Times. Volume 12, October 12, 1907, p.652.

2 Paste subsequent reception history in here (maximum 500 words)

No subsequent reception information could be found

Assignment 5: Critical Analysis

1 Paste your critical analysis in here (maximum 2500 words)

The Daughter of Anderson Crow experienced popularity at the time of, and months after, its publication in September of 1907. It was ranked in the top five from September through the end of the year (Publishers' Weekly September-December 1907). Its final standing for the year 1907 was seventh (Hackett 103). Strangely, afterward, this book which had previously been profusely advertised, disappears altogether. The fame of McCutcheon's novel sank because it cannot stand on its own merit. The Daughter of Anderson Crow owed its success not to its literary quality, but to the fame of its author and to the romantic and liberal interests of its reading public. George Barr McCutcheon began his career of fame with Graustark (Tebbel 1975). He sold the manuscript of the novel to the Chicago publisher H. S. Stone and Company who published the book in 1901. Graustark quickly became a part of bestseller lists (Mott 1947). When Stone and Company folded, McCutcheon took his best-selling novel to Dodd, Mead and Company. The novel ultimately sold over 3,500,000 copies and paved the road to McCutcheon's fame as a popular novelist. He became so popular; critics accused him relying of solely on his name for the sale of his books. To prove them wrong, he wrote Brewster's Millions under the pen name Richard Greaves. However, once his identity was found out, it only increased his popularity and his ability to sell books on the basis of his name alone. His success continued. Between 1895 to 1926 his books were included on twelve bestseller lists, ranking first eight times (Tebbel 1975). His critic's accusations were not unfounded. His popularity was partly responsible, if not fully, for the large volume of sales his novels experienced. One critic accuses, (block quote) matter how many per year he writes, a goodly portion of the reading public evidently likes his particular band of fiction. And since the pursuit of literature, on the part of both authors and publishers, has transmuted itself from the desire to do something to do something worthwhile into the endeavor to hit the bull's eye of popular taste, that fact is perhaps justification for Mr. McCutcheon's numerous books. Otherwise it is impossible to understand why they should be either written or published. (New York Times Oct. 12, 1907)(/block quote) He openly accuses McCutcheon of sacrificing literary quality in an attempt to cater to the reading public's taste. He uses McCutcheon, as the prime example of the novelists of that time period who he believed would, first, discover what the reading public wanted and gives it to them, sacrificing literary merit for entertainment. He also implies that the publishing industry has become nothing more than a money-grubbing business, no longer interested in literary pursuits. In this critic's opinion, The Daughter of Anderson Crow is printed merely to entertain and increase the wealth of its author and publisher. The reason for McCutcheon's large quantity of publications is to use his popularity and the desires of the public to sell as many books as he can while he can. In addition to McCutcheon's fame, the subject of the novel also works to the advantage of the best-selling novel. (block quote) One fact emerges from the mass whenever one pauses to contemplate the phenomena of popularity in fiction, that 'all the world loves a lover, or, at least a love story.' The number of books which have achieved any measurable degree of popularity in which the love interest is not either predominant or important is negligible. Next in order to and usually coupled with the love interest is that of action. (Publishers Weekly February 5, 1927). (/block quote) Between the years of 1905 to 1908, the list of best sellers indicates readers enjoyed romantic fiction that, in particular, showed the growing sentimentalism of women. Most the novels in this time span were pure and simple, full of idealism and gaiety. Most of the representations of love were so idealized they gave a distorted view of male/female relationships. These stories of love and adventure were used solely for entertainment and had very little literary value (Knight 129). McCutcheon's, The Daughter of Anderson Crow fits the formula of a romance and adventure novel, the necessary ingredients for a bestseller at the time. From the start of the novel, McCutcheon seeks to evoke a feminine, sentimental emotion from his readers and a sense of mystery. A baby is been left on Anderson Crow's doorstep. In the middle of the night, a woman in a black veil comes to the home of Anderson Crow and begs to see the child that was abandoned on the doorstep. When Anderson Crow grants her request, a scene that begs the reader to feel pity for the mother ensues: (block quote) There, with Anderson Crow and his wife looking on from a remote corner of the room, the tall woman in black knelt beside the crib that had housed a generation of Crows. The sleeping Rosalie did not know of the soft kisses that swept her little cheek. She did not feel the tears that fell when the visitor lifted her veil, nor did she hear the whispering that rose to the woman's lips. (McCutcheon 73). (/block quote) The scene appeals to the love between mothers and their children, in particular daughters, a relationship many of his readers would relate to. No mother can imagine the emotional pain a mother feels when forced to leave her child in a stranger's home. In the way of romance, there are plenty of examples as well. The novel opens with the story of two star-crossed lovers. A couple, erroneously pursued by the detective Anderson Crow, flee their families in hopes to get married despite their parents wishes. The strength of their love and their willingness to sacrifice the comfort of their families and homes for it is unbelievably ideal, and their situation, unbelievably romantic. One critic sarcastically demonstrates the romantic predictability of the Daughter of Anderson Crow and this genre. He says, "But the reader can see with half an eye all the time that nothing less than wealth, nobility and social position can explain her" (New York Times October 12, 1907). It's quite obvious from the start that Rosalie is not of nor meant to remain in the small and insignificant town Tinkletown. Whenever she returned home from school in New York, the "sun seemed brighter the birds sang more blithely, the flowers took on a new fragrance and the village spruced up as if Sunday was the only day in the week" (McCutcheon, 84). Rosalie is endowed with characteristics associated with the rich even though she grew up in the less prosperous Tinkletown. She has an innate upper-class and noble air that fits the mold of the perfect female character in romantic fiction. Another literary subject popular betweeen 1905 and 1909 was the "place of the New Woman in the new century" (Knight 149). In the United States women became less and less dependent on men. They began to enter the world of business, start professional careers, and work in mills all over New England and the Middle Atlantic. The fight for equality was intensified (Knight 150). Part of the Daughter of Anderson Crow's popularity lies in its address of this issue. Rosalie grows up in the schools of the New England states where she picks up feminist ideas. After returning home, she challenges the established roles of males and females by rejecting all proposals of marriage and by insisting on having a career as a teacher even though she has plenty of money to support herself. She is the perfect example of the rising prominence of the independent woman. McCutcheon seemed to know of his popularity and exactly what his audiences wanted, resulting in a large volume of publications, many of which landed on best seller lists for nothing more than his name their entertainment value. Only two of his 25 books, Graustark and Nedra, published between 1907 and 1913 are listed in the top 100 (Publishers' Weekly February 21, 1925). His books outside of his Graustrakian novels, Brewster's Millions, and Nedra, have long since been forgotten, the Daughter of Anderson Crow among them. The popularity of these novels relied on name-based and entertainment-based publishing as evidenced by their brief moment in the spotlight and the complete ignorance of their existence today. Their popularity comes from the popularity of the subject matter. The novel gives the reading public exactly what it wants during that time period: books about romance and adventure, and women and equality. The subject of the novel McCutcheon's own popularity makes the equation that produces the best-selling novel, The Daughter of Anderson Crow. Sources: Hackett, Alice Payne. 70 Years of Best Sellers. New York: R.R. Bowker Company, 1967. Mott, Frank Luther. Golden Multitudes. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1947. Publishers Weekly February 5, 1927. Publisher's Weekly July 1907 to December 1907. Publishers' Weekly February 21, 1925. New York Times October 12, 1907. Knight, Grant C. The Strenuous Age in American Literature. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press,1954. Tebbel, John. A History of Publishing in the United States. New York: R.R. Bowker, 1975.

Supplemental Material

One final thing that can be said about this edition of The Daughter of Anderson Crow is that the book is very well-illustrated. This entry would be so incomplete without more illustrations from the book. Therefore I have added the above illustrations of plates and ink. These illustrations by Martin B. Justice go perfectly with the story in the novel.

Anderson Crow tricked into helping the robbers

Black and White plate

Ed Higgins, one of Rosalie and Elsie's many suitors

The baby left at the doorstep

Color plate of Anderson Crow

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